July 4, 2011

What I learned...Vacationing in Hawaii!

What I Learned, While Vacationing in HAWAII

 A 1st Class Plane Ticket is NO JOKE...My new preferred method of travel!

Less is more. Swimsuits. Flip Flops. A cute hat. Sunglasses. The ONLY way to show your true style. 
{This fashionista tried showing up to dinner in heels. Let's just say I got some weird looks}

Relaxation NEVER goes out of style. 
Especially by this pool all day.

Pictures don't lie. The water in Hawaii is really crystal blue and the sand is really white and soft as a babies bum. Yes, I said that. 

 A spa day? 

 The hardest part of our day involved choosing which DELICIOUS restaurant to eat at.

 Don't try going in the ocean with out water shoes. My sister go stung on the first day...OUCH!

 Hawaiian Sunsets will take your breath away.

 Having the most delicious buffet breakfast I've yet to consume every.single.day.
while looking out to this...
is something I can get used to.

Six whole days with my Dad and Sister. 
 Thank you Dad for treating us like royalty. 
I LOVE YOU more than words can ever say.

The winner of the Good Marvin Giveaway is...
 Simply Sara. Congrats! 
Email me at Lindslee00@gmail.com


  1. Lindsay, what gorgeous images. Pure awesomeness!

  2. AWESOME pics!! Too funny about showing up in heels to dinner.. I totally know what you are talking about..I did the same thing when we went too lol! Looks like you guys had a blast!

  3. Omg that looks amazing!!! Can't wait to see more!!! Happy belated FOJ!

  4. wow, looks like an amazing place to vacation! great photos, so glad you had a wonderful time. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  5. Wow, those photos are amazing! I'm so jealous, it looks like you had a great time! I hope when my girls are older they are still close to my husband like you are with your sister. I can't wait to see more!

  6. Beautiful pictures! What a special trip for you, your dad and sis. Memories that will last a lifetime, I'm sure! :)

    Have a great week!

  7. I'm so glad you got to spend alittle time away! I'm sooo jealous! all the pics look great!

  8. So envious! Looks like you had a fabulous time!

  9. Aw, I love it there. Looks like a wonderful time. And your plane ride in first class sounds awesome!

  10. gorgeous pictures! sounds like ya'll had an amazing time!

  11. Love love your pics!! Sounds absolutely wonderful!!

  12. ouch to your sisters foot!! I didn't know you were going by yourself! How fun!

    I am so happy for you that you got to get some relaxation time in and spend time with your family! In Hawaii none the less!

  13. love the fashion advice.. basically what i live in, minus the hat (hats make me look ridiculous). everything is so much more relaxed here, right? :) you look gorgeous!

  14. Wow. Looks amazing. I've never flown first class. I really need to change that:)

  15. aahh! looks like you guys had an amazing time! loving all of your gorgeous picts--HA is insane fabulous!

  16. Found you via Casey's blog...too funny that I just did a what I learned on vacation post! Mind you not in Hawaii. And not sans kids. Sigh.
    Lovely pics.

  17. That sounds amazing. Agree that a fabulous breakfast everyday with a great view is pretty much heaven. Poor sister - I got stung once too and all I can say is OUCH!

  18. Oh wow!! I have never really cared if I went there or not, but you just sold me on it! :)

  19. What a fun time Lindsay! Thank you for sharing the pics! Was just talking about how I would love to go there one day!

  20. Love hearing all about your trip. We are making our first visit this October. Love to hear of any great tips!

    Looks like a great time.

  21. ahhhh, hawaii is the best and i love maui so much. you were on kaanapali right? looks like you had such an amazing time!! and yes, i totally need time to myself to be a better mommy too!!
