July 5, 2011

What I Learned in Hawaii...Part II

What I Learned in Hawaii...Part II

 Aloha really exists. 
 Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affectionlovepeacecompassion and mercy
{thank you wikipedia}
The locals are SO friendly and eager to talk to you. 

Our hotel housed a mini ZOO filled with Flamingos, Penguins, Parrots, Koi Fish, Swans, etc.

Rainbows are in abundance. You are likely to see 2 at a time.

 Luau's are overrated. Watching a ceremony in ode to a dead pig isn't up my alley. 

It's my goal in life to take a photo in front of Tiffany & Co in cities all across the globe.
I'm crazy like that...
Here's to Maui!

Life moves just a little bit slower on Maui. Less hurried. It was a nice change from busy LA.
In all, it was a delightful trip with two of my favorite peeps! 
ALOHA and Happy Tuesday!


  1. I love Hawaii- I think I could sit on one of those beaches forever!

    PS Love the pink typewriter- i have 2 royal typewriters at home and love them

  2. I wish I could visit Hawaii! Penguins and flamingos in a hotel! How cool! Marta

  3. wow! so pretty, i really need to go to hawaii. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  4. SO PRETTY!!!! Love the pics and hearing about the trip! Dead pig ceremony isnt really up my alley either!

  5. a beautiful blog! i also love the pink typewriter!!!

  6. Jealous of your trip :) The photos are gorgeous!

  7. New follower from the Lillypie giveaway!!! Hawaii!! AHHHHH ENVY

  8. Aloha! So glad you had a great trip!

    I am loving that you are part of LillyPie's anniversary giveaway!

  9. OMG - I'm totally dying. I take a picture in front of every H&M on the globe! (Then I lose my hubs for about an hour while I scour.)

    Your trip looks amazing. So jealous! Those rainbows are fab!

  10. i'm a new follower from the Lillypie giveaway. the pictures from your trip to Maui are incredible. :-)

  11. I love the idea of taking pictures in front of the Tiffany's you visit!! It will also make sure you only vacay in nice places : D

  12. I am so jealous of your vacation, looks like you had an amazing time!
