July 3, 2011

I'm back...

Im back! 
Kind off...a little jet lagged.
3 hours throws you off more than you'd think.

My trip to the ALOHA state was delightful and very much needed.
This momma feels refreshed. 
I spent a good majority of my days doing this...

and this...

and saw

Rough life huh?

I missed you ALL so very much!
In fact, I planned on taking the week off,
but my sister's lap top some how snuck onto my lap a few times.
 I just can not stay away from you all!

A recap of my vacation is coming very soon!

A very special thank you to ALL my guests that filled in for me while I was gone.
You were all SO much fun!
Thank you!

And a BIG Welcome to all my new visitors from SITS.
This girl LOVES new friends, so WELCOME!!

Back to reality I go...


  1. Can't wait to hear all about your trip!!!

  2. SO jealous!! Glad you had a fun time!! Have a wonderful weekend

  3. Oh I miss Maui so so much. I love it there. Welcome back, and I'm glad you had a nice trip!

  4. hehe, welcome back! now come back and visit OAHU :)

  5. I can't WAIT for the recap!!! Looks amazing girl!!!

  6. welcome back! You and your sister are adorable:) cant wait to see more pics and hear all about it:)


  7. Hi there...I am just stopping by for the first time from SITS. Wishing you a belated congrats on your feature day. I have been enjoying you blog. I love the layout, your pics, and just find it overall so sweet and feminine to look at. Hawaii sounds amazing!

  8. so lovely :) hope to see more pics!

  9. Yeah! I can't wait to hear about your trip :) You'll have to let me know where you went!!! Did you end up going to the snorkeling spot I was so terrible at trying to describe to you?! ha ha

  10. What a wonderful vacation AND a SITS feature! Congrats girl!

  11. I want that too! Lol! Hope you had an amazing time! missed your posts!
