June 28, 2011

Momma Go Round Guest Post

Since starting my blog,
I have been blessed with two real life friendships.
Both these girls have been a breath of fresh air for me.
Not only are our babes months apart,
but when we're together,
you'd think we were life long friends.

As if that isn't ENOUGH,
We just realized we went to PROM TOGETHER.
Same GROUP and everything!
{talk about small world}

Don't believe me?
Circa 2000
{disposable cameras.....gotta LOVE them}

Ok without further ado, here is my real life buddy, NINA...
Hi Lee La La lovelies! I'm Nina and I blog over at Momma Go Round.

Momma Go Round
started as a lifestyle blog, charting all that came with
being a new momma and discovering my inner domestic genius. I love
creating fun and useful projects that I can use in my everyday

In the last few
months, I've taken Momma Go
in a new direction: fashion.

I got tired of the
"mom uniform". Jeans, Target tee, Converse, ponytail. Everyday was the
same thing, and everyday I felt the same way:

Enough was

Today I want to
share with you a few of the things I have learned about developing
your own style and being a fearless fashionista!

Your Closet!

 See this horribly fitting dress that I wore for
Father's Day when my son was 6 weeks old? Yeah, well I banished it to
the back of the closet after seeing this picture. Sound
Bust that banished piece out and re-work it! You might have
something really awesome hiding in the depths of your

Rock The

Even the most
simple outfit can go from blah to BAM with just a few accessories.
Take my "I have to go to Costco with my 2 year old and carry
everything up to my apartment by myself"
outfit. Yup, it's the
jeans, tee, and sneakers again...or is it?


Look around for
ideas you love! I found this great look on the Ann Taylor website. I
added it to my Pintrest "Looks
To Try"
board and came back to it when I was stuck.

Poof! Fashion rut

Don't Be
Afraid To Fail

Not every outfit is going to be a winner. THAT'S
It's better to
have tried and failed than to never have tried at all.

it's just clothes! You get to peel them all
off and start fresh tomorrow.

Take sometime for
yourself and find YOUR style. What you love, what you don't, what
looks great, and what looks as awesome as a Hefty bag. It won't always
be a smooth road, but it's amazing how much better you feel on the
inside when you've taken a minute to think about the


  1. Ahahahaha! That is my parent's backyard! I know I have more copies of this shot. I'm totally going over there and digging these out. Too hilarious!

  2. Oh my goodness that old picture is too great! How funny you two hang out in the same prom group without even knowing it! That rocks!

    And speaking of rockin.. this post is amazing! I LOVE Nina! She is the best and SUCH a big inspiration to me when it comes to style. She can pull off some great looks.. so I look to her for some amazing style tips! These are wonderful tips!

    Awesome guest post Nina! ♥ you!

  3. I love how you reworked the dress! You are so creative :)

  4. Great tips! I will need this reminder in about 6 months after I have my second little one.

    Let me tell you I stayed in the sweats,t-shirt, pony tail mom phase for about 6-12 months after my first was born and let me tell you I don't want to think about it.... Painful fashion time. I promise now to not let my baby bring my clothes down! :)

  5. Nina, I love the old prom picture. Priceless:) great fashion advice! Thank you. I need it!! Also I love that yellow tee. I have been linking up to your mama style posts because I found you through Lindsay!! So nice meeting you:)

    Xoxo Hanna
