June 27, 2011

Casey Wiegand Guest Post

Every once in awhile, 
you come across a blog that is jaw dropping...
Yes, it is BEAUTIFUL,
but also DIFFERENT than all the rest.
It sucks you in....
All of your free time is spent deep in the archives.
You anxiously wait for new blog posts....
You want to be JUST LIKE HER.
She epitomizes PERFECTION!
{the girl CAN NOT take a bad picture if she tried}
GORGEOUS family.
Talented Artist.
The best part?
MEET Casey Wiegand....


Hi I am Casey Wiegand and I blog over HERE! I am so excited to be guest posting today! The pics above are of my family whom I adore! So nice to meet you all!

I have always been an optimist. Suffering & heartache tend to change that a bit. I still am a true optimist .... just nowadays, I find myself cautious. I find myself looking at "younger, naive" folk & saying "they have no idea"

Sometimes I look at pictures of a "younger, more naive me" & can't help but laugh a bit. Just so clueless. So clueless about reality, struggles. Clueless about people. 

I absolutely adore this post. It echoes what I have been saying for months about pain & suffering; about tough things we experience. Shauna posted the Crystal Lewis song, 

Beauty for Ashes...I thought Id share, here are the lyrics....

Just beautiful. 


"When sorrow seems to surround you,
when suffering seems heavy on your head,
know that tomorrow brings wholeness and healing.
God knows your needs, just believe what He says...."


"He gives beauty for ashes,
strength for fear,
gladness for mourning,
peace for despair...."

"when what you've done keeps you from moving on,
when your fear wants to make itself at home in your heart,
know that forgiveness brings wholeness and healing.
God knows your need, just believe what he says..."


  1. What a great post! So true. Love.it.

    And, um, that family is PRECIOUS!

    Oh, and her hair is beyond fab.

  2. I love her blog! she's awesome! great post!

  3. What a fun post, love her Picts:)

  4. Wow, her blog is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing.

  5. What a beautiful blog! I'm hooked now, too!

  6. Casey, youa re so beautiful inside and out. I lobe your possible attitude!!
    Keep it up mama
    Xoxo Hanna
