June 29, 2011

ValSoCal Guest Post

You are in for a TREAT today my friends.
Our guest today could very well have her own food network.
Not only are her recipes TO DIE FOR,
{yes, I've tried quite a few}
but the presentations ALWAYS leave me breathless.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall at her house.
Meet Val...

Hello everyone. I'm Val from ValSoCal. I'm thrilled to be here doing a guest post for
     Lindsay. My blog is about food and SoCal living two of my
     very favorite things. Come on over and say hi.                                          

               Strawberries and Cream Bars

            2 pounds of strawberries, hulled and halved. (6 cups)
            1 1/2 cups sugar
            coarse salt
            7 large egg whites
            2/3 cup cold heavy cream
            1 teaspoon vanilla

            1) In a blender, combine strawberries, 3/4 cup sugar, and a pinch of salt and
            puree until smooth. Pour into a 9 x 13 inch baking dish. Transfer to freezer
            and scrape with a fork every 30 minutes until mixture is thick and slushy, 
            2 hours. Smooth top with rubber spatula.
            2) In a large bowl, using an electric hand mixer, beat egg whites on high
            until foamy. With mixer on medium, gradually add 3/4 cup sugar. Increase
            speed to high and beat until stiff, glossy peaks form, 3 minutes. In another
            bowl, beat cream and vanilla on high until stiff peaks form, 1 to 2 minutes.
            With a rubber spatula, gently fold whipped cream into the egg white mixture.
             Pour over strawberry mixture and smooth with rubber spatula. Freeze until
             firm, about 4 hours. Makes 12 bars. 
This is a perfect recipe for the 4th of July!

Stop by my blog and say hello.


  1. Wow. that is not only amazing looking, but I am sure it tastes even better!

  2. Oh my gosh Val! Those look to die for! Going to have to try these for sure!

  3. those look delicious! I'll definitely be trying those (:

  4. Thanks for this tasty looking recipe. The pic are fab too. Have a good 4th!

  5. Thats just mean to do to a pregnant girl! Those look wonderful!

  6. Those look so yummy....mmm. Thanks sweet pea!

  7. Oh Val!! Tees look amazing. Perfect for summer and very creative!!! Thanks for sharing

    Xoxo hanna

  8. OMG - My mom makes this all.the.time. We call it a 'salad' for some reason. She also uses mayo. Sounds crazy, but it takes some of the 'sweet' out .... gonna try it this way though for the 4th. Yum and thanks.

  9. PS - that above comment was me. LOL

  10. I love Val, she is one of the sweetest and uber talented chicks!
