May 13, 2011

My Bucket List

We all have things we want to do before we die,
a Bucket List if you will. 
Some things simple,
and some things not so simple.
My favorite girl, made a life list.
And it got me thinking of my own.

I'm calling it my bucket list:

have a family of my own
watch my daughter get married
travel Europe
Live in NYC
do a charity walk for cancer research
Own a house on the beach
take my hubby to Hawaii
start a blog
open my own shop
gain 5,000 followers on my blog, and then 5,000 more
Take my parents on a vacation.
Become Coordinator of my MOPS group
take singing lessons (always been my dream)
Visit my best friend in Kentucky
Take a girls trip somewhere cool
own a passport
grown a garden (without killing it)
have my daughter know Jesus
have lunch with Britney Spears
go to a Stage Couch Country Concert
learn to cook, and LOVE it.
Stop biting my nails
have a personal trainer
live in a home that looks as though you stepped into a Pottery Barn Catalog 
attend a blog conference
have a walk in closet
own a ridiculously expensive handbag
Join a bible study with my hubby
Go in a hot air balloon
Overcome my fear of flying
make my own wine (grape stomping at all)
Be a wardrobe stylist in the studios...once my kids are grown!
at the top of my list?
learn to sew
Remember this post when you meet Ellie Inspired? 
I know all you seamstresses were in pattern heaven...
Me? I was green with envy! I wish I had such a talent!

Today is your lucky day because Ellie Inspired is giving 3 of their new Pixie Girl pattern away to 3 lucky ladies! 

I mean I die over the cuteness of these dresses!
 I think I need some sewing lessons!

Want to Win? Here's how!
Mandatory: Visit Ellie Inspired and come back and tell me which pattern you are drooling over
+1 Like Ellie Inspired on face book and tell them Lee La La sent you
+1 Follow their blog
+3 blog, tweet, or face book about this giveaway with a link back to this post

Oh PS... She EVEN does Princess Patterns!!!


  1. So cute!!! I love your list! If you ever do visit KY, let me know I'm RIGHT there!

    I absolutely love the sweet apple frock dress! Learning to sew is on my bucket list too. I didn't get a sewing machine for mothers day but our 7th anniversary is on the 24th. If he knows what's good for him, he'll get me one lol

  2. Great list Lindsay! I also am dying to learn how to sew! many cool endless possibilities! Making my own wine would be pretty awesome too! Have you ever been wine tasting in Temecula? That's where I live and it is soo much fun!

     Delighted Momma

  3. Found your blog via Little Miss Mama blog and I am in love with your blog! I will be back!


  4. I'm actually interested in the new pattern, the Pixie Girl, because she says that it has options for smocking. j-j-s AT juno DOT com

  5. And I'm a follower. Thanks for the giveaway! j-j-s AT juno DOT com

  6. I really love the Twirl Girl pattern...

  7. I liked and commented on Facebook!

  8. I follow her blog!

  9. I love Laura's patterns...I have most of them!! I've actually been drooling over this new pattern....can't wait until she releases it!! :)
    julie (at) littledarlingdesigns (dot) com

  10. I'm a fan of Ellie Inspired.


  11. I follow the Ellie Inspired blog.


  12. Sweet apple frock dress is so cute. You have a lot of great ideas on here and can't hate you even though you live at the beach because you seem so great.=)

  13. i like lee lee and follow her.=)

  14. I like the pixie girl pattern. I have several of her other patterns. I already like her on facebook. I followed her blog. I also shared about the giveaway on facebook! Yeah! :)

  15. Oh girl, I can tell we have a lot in common just by reading your bucket list! I love my MOPS group!! I am jumping in to serve on the steering committee next year and I'm so excited! :) I too, have always wanted to take voice lessons!!

    Thanks for sharing your fab list!


  16. I LOVE Ellie Inspired patterns!
    I really, really want this one!!!!
    School girl, Dancer and Dreamer are my favorite!!!

  17. I 'like' Ellie Inspired on facebook!

  18. I follow Laura's blog like a stalker. :)

  19. I love the new pattern...cute cute! I have most of her patterns for little love love them. I'm also a follower of the blog.

  20. Your blog is AMAZING! we are absolutely In love... Your "bucket list" is so great, I think we need to make one now to ;)

  21. I 'like' Ellie Inspired on facebook.

  22. I follow Ellie Inspired blog!
    Love it!!!

  23. I love this new pattern of hers. Anything with ruffles is my fav.

  24. Shared this link on FB. I hope I win!!

  25. Such a fantastic list girly!! I have no doubt you will do it all:)

  26. I love her pixie girl pattern. Thank you for the giveaway!!

  27. I LOVE your list!! I don't have one... a bucket list that is. Or maybe I just haven't taken the time to write things down. =)
    Hugs girly!

  28. Love Nanny Etticoat! Thanks for the chance to win.

  29. and when you come to the KY! visit me!!! =)

  30. I made the Sugar Horses (sweet!) and gotta have the Pixie Girl now!

  31. This is such a great post - the bucket list made me really happy and inspired to do the same! Thanks for sharing!

  32. I love your bucket list! I've been to stage coach 2 times already. you def will love each and every moment of it!

  33. I love your list! It's super fun. Have fun crossing off more items!

  34. I love the Twirl Girl pattern!
    myheehaw at hotmail dot com

  35. Pocket o' Posies is my favorite because I heart both embroidery and sewing

  36. I follow her blog too. She has so cuties children and pattern
