May 11, 2011

It's in the little things...

I'm not one to complain...
We've ALL been there.

But some days
shape up to be a little more difficult than others.

A few more temper tantrums than you signed up for,
A few too many meals thrown upon the floor,
"NO" seems to be the ONLY word in your vocabulary,
That lingering whine that sounds like a broken record,
the running dart in public places,
refusal to SIT IN THE SHOPPING cart,
that brand new shirt that is now stained of dirt,
Not a moment of peace,
on this particular day.

It's day's like this,
where I bask in the little things that get me thru...

Extra Large Diet Pepsi

New mustard flats

bubble baths

 Thank you for your sweet notes day after day.
 You make me smile more than you will ever know!

Have you entered the Poppy Papers Giveaway?? 


  1. I really really love your new shoes! Hope your day tomorrow is great!

  2. I totally know what you mean. Raising kids can be the hardest thing yet the most rewarding. Hugs friend, tomorrow is a new day! =)

  3. hehe i am the same way girl! only, i'm really bad and get a caramel frappe from mcdonalds. it's SO worth it though. It's tough being a mommy! you are an amazing mommy :)

  4. I can totally relate to this. I also have "Mom guilt" days where I feel like I need to spend more time just sitting with my little guy playing with him and his blocks..

    I have those shoes as well! Geeshh both Lindsay's minds think alike ha!

    Delighted Momma

  5. Aww, we all have those day! It's good you can focus on the little things you enjoy. I've been having a particularly hard time these past couple weeks, too.

    How are you liking that book?

  6. Oh i know! So tough! And that's only the kids...The rest is not piece of cake!
    Have a good day! Better day :)

  7. You are a girl after my own <3! I LOVE my diet fountain drink :) We are going on a trip in a few weeks and the fountain diet that I will get from the gas station on the drive to our destination is the main thing I am looking forward too...isn't that pathetic LOL! The simple joys of a mother...

  8. Love your new mustard flats! So cute!

  9. Love the flats. Just remember - this, too, shall pass.

  10. I TOTALLY feel you mama. Yesterday I had one of those days. Lately little MIlton's favorite thing to do is bang on Ginger's door as loud as possible over and over again (even after being told no and your getting a time out) while i am trying to put her to sleep. DRIVES ME INSANE!!!!

    WHat brand are the flats mama? They are really cute!!!!

  11. How funny! I had a day JUST like that today...must have been a momma thing! Our blog posts were inspired by the same thing :)

  12. I RELATE!! =) Btw, loving the shoes. I bought a pair too, Gotta love Target!!!

  13. SO true! Your favorite shoes, drink and a whole lot of Jesus always get you through! (:

  14. Yes gotta love days like that I'd much rather a wine than a whine on those days ;-)
    Oh and cute new flats and I love your tattoo.
    So simple and sweet.

  15. OMG! I got those mustard flats too and they are totally comfy!Loving them and your blog!

  16. Ok, so I go to Weinerscnitzel {spelled way wrong} EVERY day and order an extra large diet pepsi with 1/4 dr. pepper. They know me by name! seriously, could we be more similar???
