May 4, 2011

The hardest day in the Mommy Hood

It's official. 
I had THE WORST day as a Momma yet.
The rip your heart out and stomp on it,
 type of day.

My sweet accident prone toddler,
 tripped and fell at the park and split open her fore head.
There was blood, tears, and a scream I most definitely have NEVER heard before.
I became a panic stricken momma,
frozen in my own shoes,
not knowing what to do or where to go.
I was hyperventilating...

Suddenly, it hit me...
I was responsible for THIS little person!
I was the adult.
{as if I didn't know this before}

What do I do when all else fails?
I call my momma of course.
Yes, I did!
She's my 911 (and happens to be a nurse).
After some words of encouragement and the help of a DEAR friend,
I managed to get Landyn into the car blood and all.

That drive from the park to the Doctors very well was the LONGEST 5 minutes of my life.
I felt helpless.
Out of control.

And then, 
I got a hold of myself....
It was an accident!
One of many, I am certain.
My baby was going to be OK.

Thanks to the best Doctors a girl could EVER ask for,
and 4 stitches later,
My Girl was as good as new.
Sans battle wound.


  1. Ohh poor baby girl! Glad she's ok!

  2. oh my goodness- so sorry you BOTH had to go through that! You are probably more traumatized than she was. I know I would be!!

  3. Jesse {GoodGirlGoneGlad}May 4, 2011 at 8:22 PM

    OH poor baby girl! And poor mama!! I'm so sorry, kiss kiss to Miss Landyn!!

  4. She's such a trooper! Can't imagine how tramatizing that was for both of you. HUGS!

  5. AWW I know exactly how you feel!! Its the worst when your baby is hurt! I am glad she is aid and all she is adorable!

    Delighted Momma

  6. I'm so sorry, I'm glad she's okay!

    Don't be too hard on yourself, you did good! Everything is okay now.:D

    ***** Marie *****

  7. Poor baby and mommy! It is the hardest thing for sure..most all of us have been there and do understand. xo

  8. oh no! poor little baby! ugh i don't know what i would do... probably call my mom too! i'm so sorry you had to go through this today. Sending hugs :)

  9. oh I hope your sweet little daughter is okay tonight...poor babe!

    I was smiling though too, because I just posted on monday this post: about my grandson falling at the park on my watch. So although he didn't need stitches, I hated being the granny that was in charge! We both know neither you or I did anything wrong, it was an accident but still it is so hard to be in charge when a little one gets hurt. Hugs to you and Landyn!!!!

  10. I'm not a parent yet, but I know both my parents have felt what you did today! I cracked my head open once when I was 4 on a rocking horse, and my brother when he was 5 got kicked by a kid on a swing that he walked in front of and had to get stitches in the face!!!
    I'd be worried if something never happened to Landyn! LOL It builds character as they say :) glad she is okay though!

  11. Oh man, I'm so glad she is ok. I so relate to this post...Avery fell on a chair a couple months ago and her teeth went through her lip....blood everywhere and 8 stitches later. I totally panicked. I hope she eats lots of ice cream and is feeling better. HUGS

  12. I cannot. even. imagine.

    so glad she is ok!

  13. Poor Landyn! How scary for her. And how scary for you too! I can only imagine :( (Although I hope this never happens!) I am glad you BOTH are okay!

  14. Oh geez, poor girl!! Madison has had her fair share of accidents and it makes me sick with fear everytime! Glad she's ok!!

  15. So sad this happens but I am almost sure it will happen again! You did great! Everyone panics and gets a bit freaked out!
    I did this to my mom lots! I had stitches in my head 3 times before the age of 10! I am scared to think what my own kids will be like!

  16. Oh Lindsay your poor little bubba - send cuddles and love to both of you. Leanne xx

  17. poor thing! i'm glad landyn is okay, and even though i'm not a mom, i'm pretty sure its natural to have a semi "freak" out when you are helpless and don't know what to do when your baby is hurt!

  18. Ohhh Lindsay! I am so so sorry! I'm sure your heart was crushed. I can't even imagine. I have been so forgtunate I haven't had to take Milton for stitches yet but I know the day is probably coming:( I think it's inevitable with toddlers. I am a nurse and I tell you it's different when it's YOUR kids. I'm always so afraid Milton is going to choke. I'm one of thise crazy moms always checking him to make sure he's ok. I brush up on my CPR skill weekly. No, I'm not kidding:) Love to you and Landyn! I'm so glad she's ok!

  19. Poor Landyn! I'm glad she's okay! :)

  20. OH MAN girl! I know that scary feeling!! I am so glad that she is ok and that you are ok!!

  21. uh, yes these kins of days are hard! Glad to hear both of you are doing better :)

  22. Oh nooooo!!! :(

    She is still beautiful with that band-aid. :)

  23. poor thing! I hate hate hate when my littles get hurt! Happy Mother's day to you!
