May 5, 2011

Unanswered Prayers

We ALL have stories.
extra ordinary stories.

One of my goals in life is to write a book.
A book of ME.
Where I came from and what I know.
It's ironic that blogging has become a passion of mine.
Its my first step in putting it all out there,
SHARING my story.

SO I present to you {chapter 7} of MY STORY:

Many of us know Garth Brooks hit  "Unanswered Prayers".
This song hits close to home.

A good majority of my college years were spent being someone I wasn't.
I was lost, confused, miserable. 
I was chasing a boy because I was certain HE was the ONE.
The relationship became an obsession.
I fell into many traps and lost myself in the process.
I turned from God, my family, and my friends.

I prayed every prayer I knew, 
for HE to be mine...
and was ANGRY when 4 years went down the drain.
I felt alone.
I was sure I would never recover.

I found my way out by looking straight ahead. 
I put my blinders on and never looked back.

Why am I bringing up the past, you ask?
My past has paved the way for the life I lead today.

Looking back, 
I see things clearly and realize that I wasn't cut out for THAT life.
God had different plans for me.
Something FAR more beautiful.

The truth is,
this time of year I think heavily about my past.
I have no idea why.
It held me hostage for SO MANY years,
and then...
One day I woke up and was READY to close those chapters.
Sure, the decisions I made still weigh on me at times,
but slowly, I've learned to let go.

 I wanted to share this with you,
{as it has been on my mind}
Because just maybe, you too,
will see the beauty in unanswered prayers.


  1. This is a powerful post Lindsay. I think the most beautiful women are the ones who are confident in themselves. I recently saw a quote that basically said "all things have happened to get us to where we are today, it was a perfect plan". Hugs girl!

  2. this is so true! i'm sure we all feel that way at some point in our lives. i can't wait to hear more :)

  3. such a lovely and though-provoking post, Lindsay. I've had those times in my life, as well, where I'm consumed with what I am doing and thus cannot see the bigger picture. That maybe God had something greater in store for me if I would simply listen.

    I wouldn't be where I am today had I not gone through what I did, but it's definitely not a mistake I want to repeat continuously.

    Unanswered prayers are beautiful, yes. But I hope I've learned to pray the right prayers over the years, so that I am praying for what He wants, and not just want I want.

    Anyways.. long enough of a response.. hope you're having a lovely evening!

  4. Thank you for sharing this very touching post.
    You might be suprised at how many of us have stories too, about unanswered prayers and turning our backs on God and having Him be there with open arms when we come limping back all wounded. He cleans us up and points us back in the direction that He knows is best. xo

  5. Thanks for sharing this. I am just coming out of that right now. 4 years with the wrong person and have finally been able to move on in a healthy way. Now I am looking forward to seeing what life has in store. I started my blog as kinda a journal of the fun I am going to be having. Thanks for sharing your story.

  6. This post certainly falls under the "iBelieve" category!! I'm hosting a faith linky party on my blog. You should come join the fun!!

  7. Wow this is so relate-able and I can totally get where you are coming from...the is a powerful post. you definitely have a gift for writing

    Delighted Momma

  8. P.S. You have something waiting for you on my blog :)

  9. Um, yesssssssssssssssss ... TG for unanswered prayers. I love how HE has HIS plan, and it's always the right path ..... :)

    Great post!

  10. Wow, this is such a raw and honest post. Thanks for sharing, Lindsay.

    Everything happens for a reason.:D

    ***** Marie *****

  11. what an honest post Lindsay! i'm so glad you are able to look back and see that everything does happen for a reason :)

  12. I too am thankful for unanswered prayers. I've been thinking a lot about this lately too. I was asked to speak at my church on Mother's day (just a short Mommy sharing time). But my "becoming a Mom" story involves a lot of unanswered prayers which have lead me to where I am today.

    I'll be posting it Sunday...feel free to check it out:

  13. Lindsay, this is such a beautiful, honest and open post. I love learning more about you. Your heart is amazing and so are you. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  14. i was in the same situation, just in high school. it trapped me for a LONG time and i still think about it.

  15. Boy, have we been down a similar path. I was with my high school boyfriend for close to a decade. I was always trying to convince myself that he was the one. When I met the hubs I didn't have to convince myself...I knew!
