January 26, 2011

Out with the Clutter

via Country Living

Come January, I notice a casual trend that fills the air. Christmas decor makes way for fresh and simple.

Over here at the Lee household, I have been on a DE CLUTTER kick. Don't ask why, I am the queen of SAVING everything. This past week though, something has come over me as I tackle one room at a time and throw out excess.

 I've been asking myself "Does this have VALUE in my home"? It's a good test weather I "NEED" something or not. 

Are you good at tossing clutter before it forms, or are you like me and hold onto everything? Tell me I am not alone here...


  1. I would be do "clutter less" if my hubby was not a pack rat :) I do try to have the same mentality- does this have value in my house? But according to my hubby- yes, everything does or we would not have it. ha! So i try to declutter when he is not here- he never misses anything when it's gone!

  2. I have a hard time letting go of things, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the children's things. My husband, however, HATES clutter and "stuff", so he's made me better about not keeping EVERYTHING that touches Manuel or Mia's little fingers! :)

  3. I used to have a hard time letting go of things - but with two kids now and ALL their stuff, I don't have any problem saying, "Get it out of here!!"

  4. Ive been on the same kick Linds! Our formal dining room is full of stuff to get rid of!

  5. I am most definitely a clutter-er! :) I keep everything, even if I have no place for it. I dread the day I move out of my apartment, because who knows what kind of stuff I will find!

  6. If you ever need clutter free inspiration watch hoarders on TLC! Everytime I watch the show I end up going through the house with a trashbag looking for stuff to donate/get rid of!

  7. I'm getting better about not having the clutter, but unfortunately I'm like you... you aren't alone!

  8. No better feeling in the world than being clutter free!! I need to go to the container store soon!!! Wanna join?

  9. Oh gosh, you're not alone! I keep my living spaces clean and organized, but right now most of my closets are stuffed with boxes and crap I've been meaning to go through and throw away... I'm hoping to do that this weekend!


  10. i am pretty sure i hold onto things for way to long! i really need a good declutter session~ it always feels so great:)

  11. I am TERRIBLE at getting rid of clutter. I wish I was better. :O

  12. I love that photo! I seem to need to declutter every time I turn around. HMMM wonder what that says about me. lol
    Hugs friend!

  13. I'm the worst about clutter. You are not alone!

  14. Yay for clearing out the clutter. It's a great opportunity to trash, donate or sell items that have no value to you. Good luck on your journey to organization. Jackie at www.color-coded.net
