January 27, 2011


5 the number of times I use the Boo Boo Bunny each day
the number of times I've been to Target this week
4 the number of cups of coffee I consume each day
468 the number of times I promised to start going to the gym
2 the number of days until I get a girls night with my sister
3 the number of times I talk to both my parents each day
6 the number of projects I have waiting to be completed
3 the number of times I've shaved my legs this month (don't judge)
10 the number of times I swore I would stop eating sweets before bed
0 the number of times I have won Words With Friends on my Iphone...I fail!
9 the number of times I read Where is Baby to Landyn each night
8 the number of minutes it takes this momma to get ready for the day (and that includes a shower)
7 the number of days it's been 75 degrees here in So Cal...we're spoiled I know!
355 the number of followers of this blog that I love and adore


  1. I Still cant get over 8 minutes to get ready, you are my hero!!!

  2. 8 mins to get ready? You're a rock star! :) Cute post!

  3. I am jealous of the weather!! I am glad I am not the only one that goes to target on a daily basis! I swear they know my name! lol. thecoolkidsblog.com

  4. So cute! Love you....must see each other before I leave

  5. i. love. this. post! very creative and fun!
    and...8 minutes? that is award worthy!

  6. ha! this post is so cute--and so are these picts~ i am so jealous of your amazing weather, and i am with everyone else-getting ready in 8 minutes! fabulous!

  7. Oh my word you are so tiny! And Landyn is a little doll! And... what are you doing at Target 4 times this week?! You sound like me. .. we would be fast friends :)

  8. hahaha I think I've shaved mine once this month :)... don't judge me :)

  9. Love this post! You need to send me your words w/friends name. I'm not so great either. =)

  10. Great post! Great pics! :) And congrats on 200 FB fans! :) I'm glad that I could introduce some of my "real life" friends to one of my favorite bloggers! :)

  11. Can you PLEASE explain how you get ready in 8 minutes...that would be magical!

    How have I not run into you at Target yet? I've been there so many times lately!

  12. 8 minutes, and that includes the shower? You are amazing! I definitely do not judge because 3 times is more than I have shaved my legs this month.

  13. This is so fun, Lindsay! I love this post. How exciting that you get a girls night with your sister soon! I do the same thing about swearing off sweets before bed. But to no avail. haha.


  14. No judgment here. I'm right there with ya on the leg shaving. HAHA

  15. You and I are sooo much alike it's scary! awwwhhh lovin this post!

  16. I love everything about this post!!! You are adorable.

  17. Okay I love this post! What are the chances you'll let me "steal" this idea for a post of my own?

    Hope you had a great weekend!

  18. This is a fun post!

    I can't even tell you how infrequently I shave my legs, it's embarrassing. Unfortunately, it's the one thing that gets cut out of your routine when you have 6 kids.

  19. Love this - very creative post! Congrats on your SITS day. :-)

  20. 75 degrees! I'm so jealous. It's been in the high 90's here in MS, but with the humidity it has actually felt like over a 100.

    Stopping by from SITS! Congratulations!

  21. How do you possibly get your hair to be so gorgeous in 8 minutes? That's amazing!

  22. Ha ha....great list...
    and your daughter is beautiful....and then so is mom.

  23. Great way to post! SITS was right, love the numbers. And like many women here...only 8 minutes to get ready?! Wow!! :>

  24. Fun post! I just wrote a numbers post about our recent vacation ... a quick way to share the highlights (and a few of the lowlights!)

    Enjoy your SITS day!

  25. super cute post!

    Hope you had a great SITS day! I'm a little behind on visiting!

  26. Cute pictures. Your little girl is adorable. :)

  27. Love this!

    Stopping by from SITS :)

  28. No one ever believes me when I tell them I can be ready in less than 10 minutes with a shower... I'm so glad there are others out there like me! Love the creative post!

  29. No one ever believes me when I tell them I can be ready in less than 10 minutes with a shower... I'm so glad there are others out there like me! Love the creative post!

  30. Like everyone else I'm in awe that you can be ready in 8 minutes!
    Love the photo of the flowers in the jars.
    J x
