September 15, 2011

Fight Back With LOVE

Being the child of divorced parents,
LOVE was always a tough concept to grasp.
My idea of LOVE was something found on TV.
It was never modeled at home.
A true recipe for disaster.

It wasn't until a few years into college,
{when I grew out of my awkward stage}
when guys began taking notice in me.
It was then, that I began setting standards for what I wanted in a man.
Well I knew what I DIDN'T want, 
let's put it that way.

For some reason though,
I was consistently let down.
 I always seemed to LOVE them, more than they LOVED me. 
I was ok with that though, 
because I CLUNG to what was comfortable.

For many, 
it would be easy to loose hope.
Give up on LOVE.
Become jaded.
Throw in the towel.

I fought back though.
I prayed like crazy and asked God to send me his perfect person.
And you know what?

It's crazy to think how far I have come in LOVE.
I never gave up hope.
I never feared God's plan.
I still believed in fairy tales and finding my prince charming.

This is my testament to all you that can relate.
Maybe you are lost in love right now?
Maybe you fought back?

Who can relate?
I want to hear from you!


  1. I was blessed to marry my highschool sweetheart. Not to say that through those highschool years we didn't have our bumps, but I am truly thankful for him! Not sure where I would be without him. =)

  2. Yes ma'am, I can relate for sure.

    Love this post! :)

    I think regardless, men in their early 20's are kinda worthless in general ... I can't tell you how many hearbreaks my girlfriends and I endured ... and we were the good catches! We allllll found our Princes though.

    My husband is amazing {for me} and when we argue, I find myself saying, "I have no idea what normal is, but ......." He just looks at me and smiles.

  3. i can So relate! I am 28 and still finding that I usually "love" the guy more and it just doesn't work out. I've learned alot from my early 20's/late teens when I was searching for love, like you,in all the wrongs places--the WRONG kind of guys for me..and trying to be content with all the LOVE i do have in my life from friends and family and TRUSTING in God and having HOPE that he will send along an amazing guy RIGHT for me! I keep believing. Thanks for sharing girl! :)

  4. Lindsay, I am so happy for you. It is so rare nowadays to find true happiness and contentment in a relationship...

  5. I am in LOVE with this. honestly one of the best posts i've ever read...probably because i relate so well. glad you found your real life prince too :)

  6. Wow, I can totally relate to this.
    Love is so possible. I fight for it everyday. I love my husband so much, but it is easy to fall into a habit of taking him for granted. I constantly remind myself to show that love. I am still fighting for love, and winning :)

  7. I never dated anyone before my husband, and that is because I did set standards for what I wanted. I really wanted my future husband to be the only man to ever have that place in my life. I am extremely sensitive and I would not have handled breakups well. I am so blessed that God spared me that heartache and gave my such a wonderful man to be my husband. I have other friends though, who have been hurt or who are very discouraged that God has not sent that man for them yet. It's even hard for me not to get impatient because I really want their prayers answered too!

  8. Love ya and I forgot to tell you that I loved your post on TSP the other day!

    Have a great weekend...

    P.s. I need that shirt... its fabulous!

  9. Wow. This post has me thinking. I've heard these refrains so many times from so many girlfriends. I admit I struggle to believe in the fairy tale man. I hear other women say they've found their "prince" and I wonder what that really means. Is it just perpetuating the myth of a fairy tale ending? Or is this really legit and I am merely jaded? Who knows. The journey to learn and grow continues...

  10. I more than understand this Lindsay. I'm pretty lucky to have even survived my childhood. I'll spare you the details but honestly it was just about as bad as it gets.
    Thanks for sharing and so glad you found your way through!!
    And I love that shirt by the way. May just have to snag one for myself:)

  11. Love this post and how God always hooks us up better than we can comprehend!!

  12. Lindsay,

    Thanks for sharing this! I am new to the blog world and I stumbled onto your blog. :) I am really enjoying your posts!

  13. I just discovered SITS today and found your blog through their site. Such a beautiful post! I love that you prayed to God and never gave up hope. It seems your prayer was answered and you were given your hearts desire :)

  14. Hi Lindsay,
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog, I really appreciate it!
    I relate to this post, love is really hard... So glad for you though to have found hapiness!


  15. Oh my gosh. It's like reading my own story through this post! I felt the exact same way. And went through very similar things as this.

    But I am now happily in love & married to my Prince Charming. :o)


  16. I believe that true love has no bounds and can heal all. I LOVE that shirt. I am not following your blog!
