September 19, 2011


                                                                         Source: via Lindsay on Pinterest

I recently saw a segment on ANGER in America. 
Unless you've been living under a rock, 
your aware that this negative feeling is all around us.
So many of us are guilty of it.
The littlest thing will set us off, 
and send us into a angry rage...
Being tale gated on the highway.
Something our spouse said (or didn't say).
Our kids not listening.
THAT coworker.
A rude person in the market.
Your less that perfect family.

Anger is something that I have spent far to much of my life dealing with.
Angry that I didn't have that "perfect family".
Angry that I didn't have parents that PUSHED me to follow my dreams.
Angry that I made less than perfect decisions.
Angry that I didn't let my true colors show a long time ago.

It's easy to let ANGER eat away at us.
Rather than taking a "deep breath",
I dwell.
I hold grudges.

I am letting this be my new challenge to myself.
If we are to "Live and Love like Jesus",
then anger should be obsolete.
Life is too short to be burdened by anger.
It takes away from happiness.

What makes you ANGRY?
Have you freed yourself from ANGER?


  1. Oh, how I needed this post today! Thank you for the reminder, I am going to try to 'live and love like Jesus'.

  2. So glad you posted this! I feel like not many people talk about anger and how it can destroy us. Thank you for this reminder!

  3. What a lovely post. Very well said :)

  4. Great post.
    Its so hard not to be angry sometimes... especially lately, but I tell myself to not focus on the bad so not get engrossed in it because the more I do, the more angry I get.

    I need to let go and let God... with everything including my anger!

  5. Ahh such a wonderful post Linds! Loved reading this and such a good reminder.

  6. so so well said, and just what i needed to read tonight :) thanks girl...and yes, come be my neighbor already! you'll love it here :)

  7. Lindsay,

    Thanks for being so vulnerable with this post! I can relate a lot to the things you are talking about. I also grew up wondering why I couldn't have the "perfect family" like some of my friends that I knew. However, there is a reason we are in the families we are in and I love my family more than words can explain. However, it is hard not to show anger, grudges, and resentment. I agree...we need to love like Jesus loves and do our best to make a difference, not a grudge! :) Thanks for sharing this!

  8. THAT coworker. I hear ya girlfriend!

  9. well said my friend... well said!

  10. Well written. Thank you for the reminder.

  11. Great post! I don't really hold onto anger and hurt BUT I do let myself get to those places more often than not. So this was a wonderful post to read. Thank you!

  12. If we are to "Live and Love like Jesus", then anger should be obsolete.

    I love those words! This is wonderfully encouraging

  13. this is so good! i have struggled with anger my entire life. my dad told me once,
    "you don't need anger management, you need worship realignment."
    since becoming a christian, anger seems to be the greatest battle i fight! so thankful for christ, his word and encouragement in places like this.

    thank you! xo

  14. I think you hit the nail on the head. Our society has turned us into angry uncaring people about half the time. It always raises my spirits when I see someone do a random act of kindness for a perfect stranger. It restores my faith in humanity and reminds me that most people are actually very nice. Christ set the perfect example... thank you for that reminder!

  15. Love your blog!

  16. Thank you! This is why I started my hapy sunday posts, to remind myself that I have so much to be happy about and I should't be so quick to anger.
    Thank you!!

  17. One of my favorite verses! The Lord has freed me from anger. It creeps us now ans then but I am able to love through it.
    Also, every time I come here and your header pops up it totally makes me smile! SO SWEET!
