July 25, 2011

Thru a child's eyes...

Thru a child's eyes...
All is new. All is fresh.
Wonder lies ahead...

The sun shines forever.
The hard times don't exist. 
Each day is something new,
thru a child's eyes. 

I see myself,
in my child's eyes. 
A mirror reflection shining back at me.
It's the craziest thing,
to see the world, 
thru my child's eyes.

I get to be a kid again,
and relive those Christmas mornings.
Disneyland, Family vacations, 
1st pets, 1st bike.
The world of make believe.
Thru my child's eyes. 

Most importantly,
I get to be that role model,
thru my child's eyes.

I am so thankful for the many blessings in my life.
When the hard days should arise,
I hope I remember all is good because I am living thru my child's eyes.


  1. gosh those rosey cheeks..she really is beautiful lindsay

  2. Love that photo of Landyn! So cute! Children make everything more fun! =)

  3. ah--i love it--and this pict is so darling~

  4. And her eyes are dreamy..... Big love

  5. She's beautiful!! love this post!

  6. Love this post! And that pic! Love.

    I just booked a beach sess w/ a local photog, 'cause yours looked so darn cute. Call me copy-cat. Oh well.
