July 23, 2011

My gift to YOU

In the spirit of LOVING you all,
grab the "My Fair Lady" wrap bracelet for $50 shipped! 
{this weekend only}
{that's $25 off}
Our BEST seller!

And THAT is celebrity status in my opinion!

Scoop it up here while they last.

Happy Weekend my lovelies!
Don't forget to enter the BIG, HUGE, GIGANTIC Giveaway of all Giveaway's HERE!
One lucky winner will SCORE lots of goodies!


  1. oh man i LOVE your bracelets! thanks for the amazing :)

  2. Girl, if I wasn't on this spending freeze right now I'd snatch that up. I LOOOOOVE that bracelet.

    So.... when the house sells, feel free to have this sale again LOL..

    Have a great Saturday Pretty lady!

  3. holy cow! you commented on my lil' ole blog--i can't believe you "know" me! :) i've loved you for so long and think of you as major celeb. thanks for the sweet words!

    blessings friend,

  4. Wore mine ALL DAY LONG and will wear it again all say tomorrow and then the next day... and prob everyday for the next year because it is AWESOME and I am totally in love with it!

  5. Eeeekkkkk....I just completed my purchase of the bracelet. Thanks! I have been eye-balling it for a while, so this is just the "push" I needed to get me to do it.
