June 8, 2011

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

I believe that one photograph, 
one moment, captured, 
can tell your entire story.

Since starting a family of my own,
I've realized how important it is to "capture" these precious moments,
each and every stage along the way. 

I recently had the privilege to work with a local photographer, 
Sara Driscoll, for my family portraits.
 I first met Sara, at a holiday boutique at our church. After seeing her portfolio of natural light photography, I knew I had to have her beautiful camera photograph my little family.

Sara met us on the beaches of Ventura a few hours before sunset,
{aka, Miss L's cranky time}
with the most adorable props in tow. 
After a couple melt downs and some M&M bribes,
Sara worked her magic and created some gorgeous memories for my little family.

Are you ready for our photo sesh?
WARNING: Be Prepared to fall in LOVE with Sara's skills...

Sara is the momma to three beautiful GIRLS, 
so she understands the melt downs and that PATIENCE is a virtue.
Thank you Sara for spending this time and creating these special memories for my little family. You by far exceeded my expectations, and come HIGHLY recommended by me.

Want to see more of Sara Driscoll Photography? 
Visit her website
or send Sara a note at:

Calling all southern California residents...
Are you local?
Will be in the SO CAL area over the summer?
{sorry to all my friends elsewhere}

How about a discount?
Any friends that book with Sara Driscoll Photography, and mention Lee La La, will get 10% off their portrait package. Are you ready to create some memories?


  1. Holy Cow these are amazing! I am in love with them! I especially love the one of you two kissing over Baby L. And the one of Baby L on the blanket! This girl is good!

  2. These pictures are so beautiful! I love the one where your daughter is walking by herself. You can kind of see her little foot prints. So Sweet!

  3. simply beautiful lindsay!!! i love love how she captured the light of the sunset!

  4. So sweet...what beautiful pictures to have!

  5. beautiful!!!! she did a GREAT job - your little sweetie is a doll baby!

  6. what a dreamy photo shoot! the lighting is fantastic! what a cute family! wished i lived in cali :) xoxo jillian:: enter in TWO GIVEAWAYS over at cornflake dreams

  7. I love these!! They are just beautiful! Yay for finding a fabulous photographer!!

  8. Absolutley beautiful pictures! :)

  9. Amazing pictures...so beautiful.

    I have to ask where that dress came from. It's so adorable!!

  10. OH MY! Those are awesome.... so pretty!!!

    adorable family! :)

  11. These are absolutely stunning! You have a beautiful family!


    These are GORGE. So is your fam!

    I LOVE everything about them!

    Wow. Can she come take our pix on the Gulf shore? ;)

  13. Seriously.Beautiful.Pictures. Wow!

  14. dying....these are so fabulous--you have such a gorgeous fam! love that they are all on the beach! perfect:)

  15. absolutely gorgeous pictures... what a precious little family you have!

  16. GORGEOUS pictures! love that one of landyn.. so very sassy!

  17. not a cali resident but those are awesome pictures!! I love getting pro photos done of the kids!

  18. not a cali resident but those are awesome pictures!! I love getting pro photos done of the kids!

  19. Beyond BEAUTIFUL, my friend....I love seeing your family. Landyn, is such a cutie pie!!

  20. These are such gorgeous, beautiful, amazing pictures of your family! Just perfect. And I love the headband your daughter is wearing in a few pictures - I'm guessing you made it! So talented!
    Star Hughes Living

  21. Aww Lindsay. Just wanted to tell you all these pics are gorgeous!!! Every single one. Love them:) great job mama!

  22. These photos are gorgeous! One of my favorites is where your daughter is putting the doll on your head. Just bc it's capturing her playing and that stage doesn't last long enough.
    Beautiful photos!


  23. These are ALL so beautiful!! You have a gorgeous family!! Yep you are right..totally talented photographer!

  24. beautiful images she captured your joy. Hugs!

  25. These pictures made me tear up... absolutely beautiful. So sweet:)

  26. Great shots, beautiful family!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  27. I love these pics They are fabulous!
