June 11, 2011

I am POOPED...

via here

{WARNING: This post contains a lot of POOP}

You heard me vent before here,
and now you are in for it again...

Miss L and I have officially had a run in with POOP.
No, not JUST a poopy diaper my friends,
I am talking my child likes to play in her poop.
I am beyond disgusted, embarrassed, and frankly at my whits end. 

Since becoming a momma, 
my definition of DISGUSTING has changed.
Boogers, don't phase me.
Blood, I can hang.
Poopy diapers, I've learned to plug my nose,

You may be wondering why she's sitting in a dirty diaper long enough to play in it right? 
Let me explain...
My child does it in her sleep. 
Instead of bright eye balls greeting me in the morning,
I get a handful of POOP. 
ALL over her hands,
ALL over her body,
ALL over her sheets, crib, walls, EVERYWHERE.

The other morning I left Miss L in front of Elmo (YES, I am THAT MOM),
so I could go take my 15 minute shower.
I came back downstairs,
to her diaper off,

I thought I would share what I've been up to the past few days...
A LOT of laundry and scrubbing my coaches with upholstery cleaner.
I may have to delete this post so I don't scar my child for life...



  1. Welcome to mom: advanced stage!!!

    I had a similar issue with Little M when she was a little over one year old. I would come in the room and poo would be everywhere. Found that she learned she did not like the sensation on her bum, but did like the sensation of squishing it through her fingers >_<!

    now that I have Little B, I am cringing those days to come. He is 9 months and just starting to take his diaper off when not wearing a onesie!

    All I can say is hang in there because it IS a phase. The best thing you can do is strap on gloves, keep a bucket and scrub brush on every level of the house, and pray that they potty train SOON!

    Smiles :)

  2. hehe to Renata!

    Oh girl, I totally understand :) Although it IS embarassing and so digusting, they are curious. At least that's what I told myself when Miss K used to do it!! You would think after the first time or two they would get sick of it, and the smell. but oh, no. they don't :)

    hang in there love! this too shall pass! :)

  3. Heehehehe this makes me giggle....

    ohh the stories only us moms get to experience. Makes life a little more.. {interesting} doesn't it.

    Hang in there... hopefully she'll be putting that poo where it's supposed to go.

    Pamela @ pbjstories.blogspot.com

  4. It's the mommy rite-of-passage! Totally not fun! I had to always put a onsie on them before bed and if she can get that off, try putting her zip-up jammies on backwards. Yes, she'll look silly, but if she can get them unzipped, she's REALLY amazing!

    Hang in there and good luck!

  5. gag, I've never been a mom, and now I know why.

  6. Oh My...hang in there girl. Kids can be so gross sometimes. Good luck! I hope you see the end soon!

  7. OMG, I would die.

    No, actually, I would probably laugh, since it's hubby's job to take care of poop issues, and my job to take care of vomit issues.

    Wait, I just realized that hubby is gone before my baby wakes up in the morning, so I'd be on poop duty. Ugh, I would die.

    If she's sticking her hand down her diaper and pulling it out, you might want to try a onesie (or something similar) so she can't reach down it. Zipper/button to the back if it's a zip up/ button up set.

    When I did daycare and kids would take off their diapers, we would put them on backwards (with the tabs in the back) and put a piece of duct tape on. Always worked.

    Keep smiling, momma, it gets better.


  8. You know I love you, dearly....But, I can't stop laughing!!!! HILARIOUS.

  9. That only happened once to me. Thank goodness! Once was enough for me.

    Heard my little bright eyed 9 month old laughing and giggling after naps in he crib, and was so excited to open the door and see her pretty smile, but instead I opened the door and was greeted by a smell that made my eyes water and throw up a little in my mouth. She thought it was hilarious and smeared it everywhere.

    Needless to say I had to pretty much power washed the walls/ crib.

    Sorry, Hopefully Little L won't find it fascinating too long. Cheering for you! Good luck!

  10. Sorry about that, Lindsay! To be honest, this post is kinda funny.. just always think of how much you love your girl!;D

    ***** Marie *****

  11. oh man! I hate poop too! Madison played in her a few times, ewwwwww. In fact I think this post jinxed me and I smell poo right now...ugh.

  12. Oh Lindsay! I am very sorry!!!!!! Yuck! Yuck!! I ALWAYS put Milton in a onesie!!! Always!!! He never takes his diaper off that way!! I know sometimes it's hard to find them 2t and bigger but Hannah Anderson makes ones up to 3T. Sorry darlin.

  13. Hhahaha you are just HILARIOUS!!! I love it :)

    <3 Belly B

  14. Oh dear! I hope Miss Eva doesn't follow suit. From what other commenters say, it's usual?! Oh dear {again}. Good luck and I hope it's a phase that is on it's way out! :)

  15. Uh oh :( I wish I had some wise words of advice for you but no such luck. I will just pray that it gets better!

  16. Girl. My toddler (wearing a pull-up) dropped a big ol' turd on the floor in the middle of the aisle at HOME FREAKIN' DEPOT today. Fell out of the side of the pull-up, down his shorts, and on to the FLOOR. And I had nothing to clean it with. Ripped open a package of 'paint/sawdust cloths' - $8! - and scooped it up. Ugh. Kids are disgusting. And I have five! First poop on the floor in public incident. Kind of relieved it took this long.

    Anywho, we solved the nighttime poo issue - definitely go for the backwards feetie pajamas. Those from the Children's Place and Gymboree have the extra snap on top, and a zipper instead of a snap. If you can't find a pair without feet, just sacrifice an old pair or two and cut the feet off (you can serge or zigzag the edges if you want, but knit won't fray). It's worth it to avoid poop hands. And crib. And hair. And busting out 6 kinds of disinfectant before you've had your coffee.

    Sorry this happened to you! YUCK!

  17. My niece did the SAME thing! My SIL ended up purchasing some duct tape (in various shades of color) and duct taping the diaper on her! It worked!

    Hang in there... :o)

  18. Oh goodness! I'm sorry, but I just had to laugh! That is one of the things about being a parent that I do not look forward to at all.

  19. Oh my gosh Lindsay you are too funny!!! I'm so sorry for laughing!! I just love your sense of humor! My friend spent the day venting to me about that exact same thing!!
    Star Hughes Living

  20. OH girl! I feel for you! I think all of our kids have something crazy they do. If it makes you feel any better my daughter always had her hand down her pants and I would walk out of the room and come back to find her standing on our old nonflatscreen tv!!

    You will get through it! I'll say a prayer for you that she finds another hobby. =)

    HUGS friend!
