May 3, 2011

Pottery Barn Inspired Sea Shell Mirror Tutorial

I can browse a Pottery Barn day and night.
 It sits on my night stand,
 and my mental list of "things I WANT" grows each time I look.

Sometimes though,
there are things I can recreate for less.
Their sea shell mirror was one of them.
{sorry Pottery Barn}

Here is my step by step Sea Shell Mirror tutorial:


{mine was frameless but a framed one will work too}
assortment of sea shells 
(# of shells varies on size of mirror)
hot glue gun
A LOT of glue sticks

Let's get to work...
1. To begin, I lined the portion I wanted to remain mirrored, with paper to protect it from glue.
2. I then began lining the inner border with smaller sea shells to create an even frame. 
Once my frame of shells were all lined up, I began hot gluing. 
I simply lined the perimeter of the shell with hot glue. 
Be generous with the glue.

3. Once my mirror was framed with shells, I began placing my larger shells in a puzzle like fashion. 
It does NOT have to be perfect. In fact the more random the shells and placement, the more character your mirror will have.

4. When the entire frame is covered in shells, you can go back and fill in any gaps with any remaining small shells.

5. Project Complete!

Wasn't that easy?
It's A LOT of gluing but the end result is so fun!
I hung my mirror in my bathroom and it's a fun reminder that the beach isn't far away. 

I am linking up to these parties!

Thirty Hand Made Days


  1. It's so cute Lindsay! Love it!! COme link up. I just posted the handmade hog and I actually got crafty this week:)

  2. I have been ooohhhing and ahhhing over mirrors like this since my summers working at the beach! I remember walking into little boutiques that had this hanging wishing I had one of my very own! I've always wanted to DIY it but was worried as to whether the shells would stick or not! I think I now have a summer craft project at hand besides painting the bed frame now! Looks so good and I know you are proud of your hard work!

  3. So cute! I pull pages out of pb catalogs all the time, ones that inspire me - and then i try to recreate it! so much more fun and less expensive!

  4. SO CUTE!!! Looks way better than the PB one! ;)

  5. This is way cute. I love PB too and I have a mirror and the shells, just need to get some other projects out of the way first. You did well. Cheers

  6. Holy awesome amazingness! LOVE! I think Ash's mom will commission you for one of these when she sees it. She LOVES shells!

  7. what a great way to make use of shells collected over the years.

  8. Okay Lindsay, this is so crazy that you posted about this today because I took down the old medicine cabinet in our master bathroom two weeks ago, thinking that I'd scoop up a mirror somewhere, but I haven't been able to find one that's interesting and the right size and I've been everywhere! Just yesterday I saw a seashell one that was too small but so beautiful, $199 at Homegoods which is unheard of for their mirrors!
    So THANK YOU - this is the solution to my problem....I'm going to Lowes to get a plain mirror in the morning and can't wait to do this! Thanks for sharing!!

  9. What a fun mirror Lindsay! I love it!
    Hugs girl!

  10. HI (you must be amazing because your name is Lindsay :) ) this is beautiful!! I heart Pottery Barn and anything inspired by it! Lovely!

    Delighted Momma

  11. super pretty! i'm all about the knock offs. pottery barn is lovely but i'm not sure i'll ever be able to shop there full price. ;)


  12. This is so pretty, I have a box decorated like this! xo Great job!

  13. I share your love for all things Pottery Barn, great idea for a knockoff, I have tons of sea shells from trips to Hawaii, Florida, California, Nassau, can now put them to good use, will use them around picture frames. Or possibly redo my mirror that was bought at PB.

  14. ooh! i love this :) it's so nice to be reminded of the beach!

  15. Now that is one awesome mirror. You did such a good job!!! <3

  16. I love this Lindsay! I wish I lived closer to a beach :) I was in LA over the weekend and gathered some shells on a Malibu beach...had I seen this, I would have looked for more. Good excuse to go back :)

    ps. Yours is so much better than anything similar Pottery Barn has!
    Ann Marie

  17. So cute girly, what a great idea:)

  18. I love this - so pretty and textural! I made some seashell art last month and would love if you'd check it out when you get a chance at

    Turning a House into a Home

  19. This makes me want a beach home. So pretty. I have a big vase full of shells that I've picked up in the last few years.

  20. OOoooo this is beautiful! I love seashells - it keeps me from missing the beach too much ;)

  21. I love this!!! I've been meaning to do something like this for a while now and you have inspired me to get to work. Great job! Just popping in from TT&J :)

  22. I love this. When I was growing up my Grandmother had a mirror that she embellished similarly to this one. It brings back good memories.

  23. What a wonderful and simple means of putting to use a shell collection! Beautifully done! And love the shot with you in the mirror as well =) Cute!

    :D Lynda

  24. What a beautiful end piece! I LOVE it!

    I'm a new follower--would love a follow back!

  25. Love it! I have a large shell collection in my garden room at home. I might make a frame like this.

  26. Beautiful! There is some artistry involved in this for sure, and yours looks awesome!

  27. Lovely! Aside from using a ton of glue sticks, you used a ton of shells, too. But it was worth it. I love size and scale!

  28. I have been wanting to do one too! This looks great!

  29. That's amazing! You're truly talented. Hope you have a great week.


  30. I love it but where can I buy shells that cheap? A beach isn't a option. Thanks:)
