May 17, 2011

Moments in my life

We all have them. 
Moments in our lives that we will never forget. 
Moments that shape who we are as people.
Foot Prints down the path of life.
Be they happy or sad,
they have forever impacted the person I am today.

I compiled a list of the top moments in my life thus far:

 The day HE proposed on the beach at our favorite spot. 

 My wedding day

 The day Landyn was born

The day we bought our first home
{our Dad's helping us move}

 Landyn's dedication on Mother's Day

Speaking at the funeral of a close friend.
I was given a sense of peace and closure that I carry with me for the rest of my life,
{amongst other things}.

Making the decision to be a stay at home momma and not return to work. 

 The day I opened up my etsy shop

Taking my hubby to NYC for his first time.
 {my favorite city in all of the lands}

I hope to add to this list as the years pass. 
{hopefully more good things, than bad}

What are YOUR top moments in life? 
I'd LOVE to know...


  1. Very sweet blog entry! I love remebering moments and become emotional at how quickly some of those moments are over.
    I would love to visit NY. One day.
    Have a great day

  2. Love Love this post! Definitely getting married and having babies is on the tops of my happy list!

  3. what a great list! Marrying a soldier {and best friend} and having my baby are definitely at the top of my list.... as well as the day my Father passed, and the day my soldier was shot in afghanistan. Those two moments in life are what make me appreciate the life I do have :)

  4. This is a beautiful post, Lindsay :)

  5. Aw Lindsay what a sweet post. I just shed a little tear as I clicked over to the post "What the Beach Means to ME." I know that beach!

    I believe we were meant to be friends ;)

  6. Love this girly:) you are so cute. Such special moments

  7. Awesome post girl! That picture of you and Landyn is beyond beautiful!

  8. Great post Lindsay! I love the pic of your dads helping you move in. too cute.

  9. AWE I love this post.... I need to do one... noted!

  10. Love this entry! I love looking at pictures of you and your gorgeous fam :)

  11. Love it!!!
    My top moments:
    ~Getting married
    ~Going to Africa and London on a missions trip
    ~Seeing my niece and nephews right after they were born
    ~Going to NYC for our honeymoon
    ~The day I found out I am going to Paris for Christmas {this year} with my hubby and our two best friends! :)

  12. Love this...such a sweet picture of you and your baby too. I have a feeling that my best one is yet to come (just a little over two weeks away). Having our first baby! :)

  13. Wonderful moments! Thanks for sharing. Love the wedding pic!

  14. Aw, this is such a beautiful, sweet post! Made me very happy :) Thank you for sharing them!

  15. So sweet! Top moments in my life include my wedding, the births of my two daughters, traveling to seven different countries!

  16. I love this post! It helps me get to know you even better! Such fabulous moments already, and so many more to come!
