May 18, 2011

A BIG day

Today is a BIG day for this little blog.
 I get the HONOR and PRIVILEGE to guest post for Jen. 
THE Jen of Tater tots and Jello. 

My tummy is giddy with excitement....
I don't think I got a wink of sleep last night....
So stop on by. You will be glad you did. 
Remember this?

After popular demand, 
I will be giving you a tutorial...
on how to make one of your very own!
See you there!

Also, stop by my shop for 20% off your entire order until midnight tonight.
It's raining here in SO CAL, so why not a discount.
Code: rainyday


  1. Congrats girl on your guest posts at such a huge blog (I had never heard of her blog before your post, but my goodness, 12,000 followers, that is a HUGE blog! :))

    Love the tutorial!

  2. yay!!! what a huge accomplishment!! congrats gurl :)

  3. Wahooooo!!! Soo exciting!! Thats a big deal! I wouldnt have slept either. I will stop by and say hello again over there :)

  4. I came over from TT&J and fell in love! I'm a new follower!

  5. Hi Lindsay,
    I saw you on TTandJ. I love your blog (and your tutorials!) and am following you now. You can find me at

  6. You go girl! Awesome! Headed over to check it out:

  7. I found you through TT&J and I am so in love with your adorable blog. I am so glad I found you. I love the sign and have to make one! Come and say hi. also I am doing a really fun giveaway next week so check it out. Also I pinned this and I am your newest blog follower!

    A Mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

  8. Oh I LOVE the tutorial!! I am inspired to make something like it - might make a trip to Home Depot tomorrow to get some plywood! And even more than the tutorial I love your little About Me section - too cute! You have a beautiful family - and I love the reference to Us Weekly...I am a religious Us reader. Very cute site!

  9. LOVE this! I saw your post at Tatertots and Jello and am excited to follow your blog now! Thanks for sharing:)

  10. wow.. I am so impressed. EVERYONE reads Tater Tots and Jello! Great job mama!!!

  11. Yay for you girl! Hope you had a great day!
    Big Hugs!

  12. Is there anyway that we can buy the plaque instead of doing it ourselves? I'm just curious...and I would find a way to screw it up, I'm not crafty what so ever. Is it on your site or would you consider putting it on your site?
