April 17, 2011

Momma's Day OFF!

What's a Momma to do when she gets a FULL DAY to herself??

Let me tell you...


Bubble Baths 

Shave legs 
(if you read here, you know it's a rare occurrence)

White Strips


Shopping at my FAVORITE store
{yes it's a second hand store}

And let me tell you, 
days like THIS, are good for the "Momma" soul. 
I'm READY for the week!

How was your weekend?


  1. OMG my dearest friend loves that place! I'be been dying to go! We need a trip there ASAP!

  2. gotta love days off... Pampering (even if it's self pampering) is always a good thing. ENJOY!

  3. Loving this post. And yes, I totally agree with you.

    ♥ Love,

  4. That looks like the perfect day! I love the mani/pedi color!

  5. looks so relaxing! i am totally in love with your nail color :) did you pick up anything cute from that store? love second-hand shopping!

  6. WOW! Amazing to get a whole day to yourself. I'm so jealous. I've never had one. You totally deserve it and it will make you an even better mama than you already are:)

    xoxo Hanna

  7. So glad you god a mamma day! They are SO important for our sanity as stay at home moms!

  8. love this post haha when I have time I do all of these same things in one swoop otherwise they just don't get done...how nice and relaxing :)

  9. I can totally relate!! I had my first me day for a couple hours earlier. I spent my time at this great spa in SF. I had a wonderful facial, spent time in the steam room, jacuzzi, and cool mist room.

    It was HEAVEN! I have been on mommy duty non-stop for the past four months. I love it, and I love her so! But mommy time is very very important.


  10. man, lucky you! What a wonderful day!!

  11. sounds like a perfect day! :)

  12. This sounds like the best day ever. What a great way to pamper yourself on your day off! xoxo

  13. Ohhhhhh ..... my day off is Wednesday and I'll be doing the SAME! Funny how all moms {that I know} crave beauty and shopping time... and to think that pre-baby, those were just normal, daily activities. LOL :) Looks like you spent your time wisely!

  14. Your cuteness makes me happy!

  15. You are the cutest!! I NEED one of those day oh so bad! Glad you had a great weekend!!
