April 14, 2011

Akward and Awesome Thursday

I have a crush on Sydney from The Day Book.
In my eyes, SHE is the epitome of AWESOME!
Have you met her before? 
I pinkie promise once you get to know her, you will feel like she is your BFF. 

I am joining in on SYD's awkward and awesome moments in LIFE.

Parking on the wrong side at the gas station
Reaching for the last item on a shelf just as someone else goes to grab it
Walking in on someone in a public restroom...oops
The target employee hitting on you even with baby in tow.
Forgetting a Mom's name you've met 5 times at MOPS
Going to pay at the market only to realize you left your wallet at home
Locking your keys in your car
Running into your ex boyfriend...gross!
When Landyn reaches down my shirt in public
When someone tells you, you have something in your teeth

When your ipod on shuffle reads your mind
Clean Baby Smell
Finding money at the bottom of the washing machine that you didn't know you lost.
Perfect parallel parking on the first try
Hitting a bunch of green lights in a row
Eating the foods you LOVED as a kid
When you arrive at a destination just as your favorite song ends on the radio
Using all the different shampoos and soaps in someone else's shower (am I the only one that does this)?
Getting FUN mail
Paying for something with EXACT change

Link up to this fun party! 

And the winner of the Stella Wishes Giveaway is......
Email me at Lindslee00@gmail.com


  1. love daybook too! one of my favs--she is stinkin cute~ hate running into old bfs! ha--and i too love when the ipod magically reads your mind:)

  2. Love this! So fun! I hate when you have something in your teeth... so embarrassing! =)
    Hugs my friend! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Oh our children are so the same. LJ likes to lift up my shirt in search of my purse or whatever he is looking for if I'm not wearing my purse. It's lovely.

  4. Haha I love reading these!
    Can't believe you get hit on with Landyn with you.. too pretty for your own good :)

  5. i totally love the shampoo/conditioner comment b/c i totally do that too! its like a free for all to see how your hair reacts to a different brand/scent/ect.. its a free trial if you will!

    happy friday!

  6. Can I just say ditto to everything you listed?! I was laughing at everything!! And agreed with it all! :)

  7. I love reading others awkward and awesome moments! I found myself nodding along with many of yours...they have DEF happened to me before! It is almost more awkward when someone DOESN'T tell you that you have something in your teeth and after talking to them for 10 minutes you discover it on your own. AWKWARD...

  8. CUte link up Lindsay! I'm off to check out her blog

  9. Fun tag, I can relate to paying for something with EXACT change!:D

    Have a great weekend!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  10. What a fun idea!

    I totally had to double check which side the gas was on yesterday at the pump.. thank goodness I got it right, ha! And parallel parking on the first try is the best thing ever!

  11. So fun!

    Made me think ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  12. So fun!

    Made me think ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  13. I love this!!! I'm your newest follower and I'd love it if you came and followed me back! My husband and I just announced our adoption journey. :)


    P.S. Nice name. ;)
