March 23, 2011

What I learned: Disneyland

What I learned about going to Disney Land for the 1st time "AS A MOMMA"...

1. Never put a 1st time PIN on a 19 month old... say no more!

2. back going limp temper tantrum's are bound to happen after 10 hours of HAPPY and missed naps. 
3. The Peanut Butter and Jelly Momma packed was way better than the $10 hot dog that ended up on the floor.  
4. After a day of holding 30 lbs in line, you feel like as though you went back to the gym.

5.  2 adults to 1 baby is the perfect ratio

6.  Seeing Disney Land through "THEIR" eyes, might just be the most magical thing of all.

7. Ice Cream on main street is a sin.

8.  I no longer JUDGE those Parents who put their kids on leashes...It all makes sense and I may jump the band wagon.

9. My sweet girl has NO FEAR WHATS SO EVER!

10.  The delicious smells that linger around each corner may just be Disney's best advertisement of all. 

11. 5 outfit changes are bound to happen

12. Lollipops, churros, cotton candy, and icies are all EXCELLENT choices when trying to entertain two toddlers in long lines.

{never before have I seen so many shapes and sizes}

14.  The balloons are a souvenir must...

15. The Ferris Wheel just before sunset makes for a beautiful photo op

12. A day at Disney Land with your cousin, may just be the most special thing of all.

Kisses for Mickey! 


  1. Thanks for sharing these pictures. Landyn is so cute-- that coat?! TO DIE FOR!

    I am craving a churro bad right now :(

    It looks like you guys had an amazing time. My hubs talks about taking my girl almost every day..

  2. How fun! I have been debating about taking wes, and now I really want to after reading this! looks like a blast {although exhausting}.


  3. Awww, looks like you guys had a blast!

    We were going to go to Disneyland on Ash Wednesday, but didn't. We plan on going soon, and are thinking a Tuesday might be the least crowded?

    Fun pics!

  4. Haha, you kill me! I just LOVE the pic of L on the tea cup (I think). She just looks so beautiful!

  5. My parents tell the story of them holding off to take me to DisneyWorld until I could walk, bahah!

  6. OMG! whatta nice post! I loved it.
    especially the strollers picture. :)


  7. Looks like so much fun! Great pictures-thanks for sharing!

  8. We have never been to Disneyland but we have been to Disneyworld! Looks so fun!
    We have a 3 year old and a one year old. Our one year old was fine as long as he had cheereos. Our 3 year old had a blast because her 4 year old cousin was there.
    And I always had candy in my pockets for the wait in line! 3 is about the perfect age!

  9. I cannot wait to take my kids - though my ratio is off b/c there are 2 of them!! LOL - might have to call in reinforcements!!!

  10. Absolutely beautiful pics and a great take on a special day! I LOVE Landyn's coat! Precious! :)

  11. What fun! Your little girl is BEAUTIFUL and you have such a talent with the camera!

  12. Adorable Lindsay!! I can't wait to my kids:) I have such fond memories!!! How fun!

  13. She is just adorable! I cannot wait to have kids of my own and enjoy these things!

  14. ah i love all these picts! disneyland is so fun--especially through your kids eyes--and the treats aren't bad either:)

  15. HOW CUTE!! Your daughter is ADORABLE!! This post made me so anxious to visit disney land...I am in my 20's and have never been before!! One day right!

  16. Too cute! I love Disneyland. I always laugh at the "Stroller Soup" as I like to call it.

  17. how fun!! looks and sounds like you all had an amazing time hun! the pictures are all awesome/cute!
    i can't wait to take my little guy some day! i've never been myself.

  18. Oh it looks like so much fun! We have been putting off going til my little Jude gets a bit better about trips. Can't wait! Landyn looks like she loved every minute! Such great pics!!

  19. Such fun pictures! That stroller image is crazy, there are so many!

  20. Looks like a good time was had by all! That last picture is wall-mount beautiful!


  21. Absolutely! I remember thinking many of the same things when we took the boys to DisneyWorld! We had 6 adults to 3 kids and it was not enough at times. Especially since all the kids wanted Grandpa.

  22. Those observations are so true. I know, I can't believe how many strollers I see. How do they recognize their own? I'm 60 years old and still go to Disneyland at least twice a year. Although, it wasn't the happiest place on earth last August. My mom broke her hip there, and we ended up at the nearest hospital for the rest of our stay. Well, at least we live close enough to go back whenever we want. and, by the way, she's 84 and still ready to go back anytime.

  23. she is seriously adorable! We took my daughter to disney at 21/2 years old. So fun!!

    I do have one of those backpack leash things that looks like a teddy bear...for this place alone!! Its scary thinking of your child running away in a blink of an eye. We never actually used though!

  24. So brave, my son just turned three, and I am too scared to take him yet!

  25. Oh I love Disneyland. We first took a 3 year old and 1 year old, pretty easy. Then a 4 year old, 2 year old and 5 month old... much harder. This year it will be a 5 year old, 3 year old, 1.5 year old and 3 month old... QUAD stroller!! 4 kids + 2 parents ratio... not easy, LOL. But we never go during summer or a school break, less busy = much easier. So worth it though!! :-D Glad you had fun, so magical!
