March 25, 2011

These heels WERE made for walkin...

Pre baby, 
I wore heels EVERY DAY!

You see,
 I am short (5'3),
and as we ALL know, 
heels make you "appear" longer and leaner...
AND instantly "dressed up" .
Let's just say that has ALL gone out the window since becoming a Momma. 
Can you imagine ME trying to chase "the busiest toddler of them all"  around play gyms and sandboxes with 3 inch stilettos?

I recently crossed paths with fellow Momma and Owner of Maude Boutique
This girl is the epitome of fashion plate momma.
 She looks like she JUST stepped out of Sex and the City.
Can you believe she just had a baby?

Knowing my love for fashion but NEED for comfort,
Becca gifted me with a pair of Seychelles new CHANT clog sandal.
I was ASSURED they were the most comfortable pair of shoes I'd own...

They don't look the part now do they?

Guess what? 
Looks can be deceiving.
I wore them ALL DAY Saturday and had no blisters,
I didn't even trip...
or stumble.
I got MAD compliments.
I may just wear them EVERYDAY!

headband: Vintage Rose Wraps, Shirt: Splendid, Cargo's: Sanctuary, Heels: Seychelles from Maude

They come in Neutral also!!

Look how adorable their store front is in Fayetteville, AR.
I want to move there and get a part time job!

And because YOU all need this HOT shoe for spring,
 Maude boutique has them for just $85
retail $110

OH and because I love success stories,
I want to see pictures of you with your new heels on...

Want to get in touch with this darling shop?
Stop by Maude Boutique's Face book and tell them Lee La La sent you
Or shop their website here

All orders over $100 ship free!

Thank you Maude boutique! I look forward to lots of purchases from you in the NEAR future!!!

I am linking up to these FAB parties!
What I Wore Wednesday @ the Pleated Poppy
Momma Go Round


  1. C*U*T*E They are just like the heels I bought when I was 8 months pregnant and I have 2 pairs of Sychelles and they are very comfortable! cute shop:)

  2. Damn it WHY did I just make a deal to not buy any shoes for TWO WHOLE MONTHS!! Those are Adorable.

  3. You guys both have babies! I'm impressed! Great looking shoes!!

  4. those are super cute! i love me some comfy heels:)

  5. Those are ADORABLE!! I absolutely love them!! What a fun boutique!

  6. LOVE those shoes! I {may} have to look into getting some! =]

  7. So jealous! Those shoes are adorable and that color is amazing.
