March 21, 2011

This blog is ME

This blog is ME.
No more, no less.
For a good majority of my adolescence I was too busy trying to please others. 
Was I cool enough?
Pretty enough? 
Skinny enough? 
Smart enough? 
Qualified enough? 
Strong enough?
 Loved enough?
 Religious enough? 
Rich enough?

Lee La La has allowed me to be ME.
I can pour out my creativity, inspiration, family, life
onto YOU!

I will admit, 
At times I am cautious with what I say and how I voice my opinions on this blog,
And this has really got me thinking....
If this blog is such a reflection of ME, 
then I need to SPEAK from my heart more...

So that is my challenge to myself. 
To be real, open, and honest.

Perfect is always in,
 but the reality is,
 I am not perfect. 
Far from it.

With this, I challenge you my friends...
are YOU being real?

I'd love to hear your feedback!


  1. I love people who embrace themselves. KEEP IT UP!!!!

  2. i love YOU!

    i also think that we DO need to be careful about what we say, and even think, all the time (even on the blog). so often we can get ourselves into trouble by speaking too fast, or too much without putting enough thought behind what it is we are trying to communicate. words are very powerful.
    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer. Ps. 19:14

  3. Girl, you didn't need to go to boot camp! This was the biggest thing that I walked away with and you've got it all on your own. I love you and want to hear the REAL you all the time. LOVE IT!

  4. Yeah, I'm being real. Why bother with anything less? Blogging takes too much effort to be all fake and plastic-y.

    I save all of my fake plastic-y-ness for Facebook. ;-)

  5. i understand what you are saying! oh and ARE cool enough. you ARE pretty enough...we love you!!!

  6. Love it Lindsay - feel the same so will make sure I am saying what I want to when I want to! Thanks for the reminder. Leanne xx

  7. I loved this post! I too often feel like that... I'm a new blogger and often hold back from blogging about something thats on my mind in fear that others would disagree or not like it... your post just gave me a big wake up call... i started my blog for me to help me discover who i am and share with others the things i love & am passionate about... Thanks for reminding me. :)

  8. Great post - it's true, often people write what they think others want to read or believe about them! My blog isn't just all happy - it's in the title Daily VENTING & Exclamations - there are times that aren't happy and those need to be shared, too in order to make it through.

  9. I think it's wonderful - simply be yourself.


  10. You know I love posts like this...I totally sensor myself. I feel like my blog is very me but I do hold back a little. I'm going to step up. You inspire me. Hugs.

  11. I love you and your blog! Your posts like this inspire me to be more open. I try to be pretty open but there are some times where I will delete a post before I post it because I'm not sure how my readers will react to it. But, my blog is for me and no one else! Tanks for the inspiration this morning! Hope you have a lovely day, friend!

  12. Great post! That is my new approach too. Grant it, cute pics and adorable stories are always nice (and I do PLENTY of that sort of posting! :)) but life hasn't always been perfect for me and that's okay to admit and share! :)

    Have a great day!

  13. Do I watch what I say on my blog... absolutely... why? because my husband's ex-wife I'm 90% sure found my blog and reads it every day almost and I don't want something to come back and bite us both in the butt :(

  14. You always have the best posts! Love this one!

    I'm right there with you...honest without being braggadocios while being carefully cautious not to reveal too much just because I think some parts of our lives should remain a little bit of a mystery!

    Happy Tuesday, friend!

  15. Really well said, and something I need to remind myself of more often.

  16. Great post Lindsay! I often ponder this question when I am blogging too. Seems like I am for the most part honest. However, I do choose not to share certain things if they seem too depressing or dark. I think my readers like my positive attitude but I'm just assuming that.
    In fact that post about my beso trunk show was VERY HONEST and kind of embarassing but I got A LOT of comments about how people could relate.
    Great post. It gets me to thinking!!

  17. i post the real deal on my blog as well ;) lately posts are few, life is slightly boring for the moment. baby coming soon! i'm sure he'll spark a blog flare in me and then i'll post more if i have time.

  18. Hmm I think I am kind of real in my blog. As real as I would like people who are complete strangers to know at least. There are some things that I do not (will not) post because I think there is a fine line between being honest and having some privacy in your life.

    I love your blog though.. everything about it!

  19. I wouldn't want it any other way! :)

  20. Amen sista! It is your (our) little spot on the www and most likely lots of us think the same. Being true to yourself (myself). Great post!
    Hugs friend!

  21. so true my friend! and i am right there with you~ you are fabulous~

  22. Amen! I find that the blogs that I visit regularly are the ones where the blogger is real and is not afraid to put their great and not-so-great thoughts/words/events out there. Those are the people that are interesting.
