March 20, 2011

I have a husband who...

I have a HUSBAND who...

wakes up with Landyn on the weekends so I can get an extra 30 minutes of sleep
leaves me love notes on the kitchen counter
REMEMBERS to put the lid down on the loo
Drinks his morning coffee black so I can have the last little bit of Vanilla Creamer
Isn't afraid to join me for a Pedicure
is the spitting image of his baby girl
gives 110% in everything he does
tells me I'm beautiful even when I'm wearing my ugliest PJ'S
leaves work early so I can have dinner with my girlfriends
doesn't care that I have 90% of the closet
Enjoys shopping at Nordstroms ALMOST as much as I do
ALWAYS tucks me in when he leaves for work in the morning
Is my best friend in all of the lands and doesn't get recognized near enough for all he does! 

Happy Anniversary my LOVE!


  1. congratulations!


  2. This was the sweetest post ever. I love that your hubby seems so thoughtful and sweet!

    happy anniversary! you look gorgeous in that picture :)

  3. Oh my goodness, what an incredibly sweet post. Such a beautiful tribute to your husband. Its so good to always remember the positives of your spouse.
    You two are adorable.

    Happy Anniversary Lindsay!

  4. Well Happy Anniversary, hope your day is wonderful! Ours is next Monday :)

  5. Happy anniversary! Sounds like an amazing husband! So happy for you!

  6. What a beautiful post. I love your love. Happy anniversary.

  7. Happy anniversary! That is so sweet that he tucks you in before he heads to work...just precious!

    Love your blog! I’m glad you found me so I could find you! I’m now following along as well!

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  8. Seriously, I love him already ;) Happy anniversary love birds!!!

  9. Happy Anniversary!!! You are so blessed!! Hugs friend!

  10. Oh SO sweet!! Happy Anniversary!

  11. This made me tear up! I love you guys together! Chris is so wonderful for you and I'm so proud of you guys with Landyn! I miss him I didn't even get to see him last time :(
    You, Chris, Jay and I need to hit Nordstrom next time Jay loves it too! ;)
    Happy Anniversary
    Love you !!

  12. awww!! This is such a sweet post!!
    Happy anniversary!!

  13. Happy anniversary!!!!!!! great post!

  14. Happy Anniversary Lindsay!! I loved this post by the way. How wondeful that your husband is so, so sweet! Love it!!

  15. Lindsay, this post is so sweet! Happy Anniversary! I hope you two do something really fun to celebrate! xo

  16. Sounds like you definitely scored a good one! Happy anniversary!

  17. what a flippin sweet post~ i love it~ happy anniversary~! you two are the cutest:)

  18. So sweet! Bet this scored you some mega brownie points though I know that was not your intention!

