March 30, 2011

These are my CONFESSIONS...

I wear UGLY, mismatched pajamas.

I have a legitimate fear of driving in the rain...I'll stay indoors until it stops.

I paint my toes because I bite my nails.

I HATE that Costco doesn't sell Diet Cherry Pepsi, Diaper Genie Refills, or Organic WHOLE milk in bulk...3 of my staples!

I have a hard time FINISHING a book.

I never ate junk food until AFTER I had a baby...go figure!

On a typical day, people mistake me for a cast mate of Teen Mom
{Apparently, I look too young to be a momma}.

I had braces for 5 about AWKWARD Stage!

Britney dominates my IPOD right now.

Even though I've been born and raised as a city girl,
my heart has always longed for the country.

I was PAINFULLY shy until I reached college...
now I'll speak to anyone!

Dreft Laundry detergent is my favorite smell.
 SO much so, that I may wash Landyn's clothes in it until she's a teenager. 

A good majority of my designer jeans, come from an AMAZING second hand shop here in LA. I HATE paying full price.

I could eat peanut butter and jelly for every meal.

That's all I got...

Now, its YOUR turn!
 Leave me a comment with YOUR Confession!!


  1. I bite my nails too! People also think that I'm a teen mom. When I go places with my mom, people think that I'm the sister and my mom is my kids mom! too funny!

  2. So what is this awesome second hand shop and WHY have we not been there yet?

  3. I bite mine too! Everyone yells at me for it! I have been doing it for 23 years!

  4. I confess I clicked on this blog post to see if you bit your toenails! Glad to see I misunderstood.

    I also confess I wish I was mistaken for a teen mother! Must be nice! Maybe folks at least mistake me for someone in their 20s, maybe?!

  5. I not only wear ugly missmatched PJ's but I often wear them tp the grocery store. No shame! I also bite my nails!! Cute post LIndsay

  6. I keep fake nails because I bite mine till they look ridiculous... I have tried so many times with nail thickener and grow fast polish but to no avail!

  7. I wear ugly mismatched PJ's too!!! :) AND I bite my nails (it absolutely drives my husband crazy! :))

  8. Ha I have over half of these!! I might have to copy you and do my own one of these one day because I have a LOT of confessions!! People always think I'm a teen mom also- will even go as far as to say " You are way to young to have a three year old" I'm sure when I'm 40 I'll love it, but for now it's annoying.

  9. I also wear mismatched PJ's also. This was such a fun post to read. I am new to your blog and I am so glad that I found it!

  10. I went to bed at 7 last night pretending to have a headache. My MIL has been here for over a week and I needed some alone time.

    I too would eat PB&J every day if I could. I love the Uncrustables and never go down the aisle in the store where they are to avoid temptation.

  11. I think looking young for your age is a compliment! Well, it will be ten years from now, haha!

    Love these confessions :)

  12. I confess that I can't stand to wear underwear to bed. I still wear my pj's though. Is that TMI for a first time commenter? Probably. I'm sorry.

    I love me some PB&J sandwiches too!

    Thanks for commenting on my guest post over at Aly's place this am.

    Have a fab weekend~

  13. Since I'm preggo and feel like it's about a million degrees at night, I sleep in big tee shirts and panties. Cute huh? haha! Cute post!

  14. 15. I now have Usher's Song "Confession" stuck in my head because I read your title and cue the song....

  15. I bite my nails too! I also hating driving in the rain.

  16. I SO love PB&J. I just tried grilled PB&J the other day and it was phenomenal.
    Confession: I watched Enchanted 20+ times the week that it came out. And, if I had the time, I'd be doing the same thing with Tangled.

  17. I am so with you on the Britney Spears CD :) I love it!!! Definitely a work out CD :)

  18. You have such a darling blog, I'm so happy to have found you!
    And I can't finish a book, either. :-)


  19. I have trouble finishing a book too! Love this post!! You're the bestest!!

  20. such a fun post! my confession--i would rather eat treats than an actual meal!

  21. You can't blame them, you have a pretty and youthful face.:D

    Me? I love to read, I get so excited whenever I have a new book to read.:D

    ***** Marie *****

  22. I knew there was a reason I loved you! every one of these is pretty much true for me too {hate driving in the rain, love pb&j}! let's get the kiddos together next week!!!! I will answer your email VERY soon, i promise! love, ash

  23. I am a new follower and found you through Love Stitched! :) I can't wait to read more of your posts! :)

  24. I got all excited when I saw your Teen Mom pic. I thought you were going to confess that was your guilty's mine! Found you via Love Stiched! Love your shop and your diy tutorials!

  25. I was painfully shy until college too. I really came out of my shell then. Just found your blog from Eisy Morgan. Cute!

  26. Okay Lindsay I think we are blogger BFF's for REALS haha! I like you more and more with each post you link to. Serious!
