March 8, 2011

Allow me to introduce myself...US Weekly STYLE

For all my {NEW} friends and followers, allow me to introduce myself....

I am Lindsay Nicole Lee. Lindsay Roberts pre marriage. Linds if you are my family/friends. Mama to my baby girl Landyn.

And because I have quite a few {NEW} friends (that I am SO thankful for), I decided to redirect you here and here.

You want to know more about me, you ask?

Well, because my guilty pleasure is US Weekly magazine, I decided to play along with their
 "25 things you don't know about me" series.


1.  I can not stay up past 10pm!
2. I drink a glass of orange juice every night. Otherwise, I don't prefer it.
3. One of my favorite movie's is Match Point. It's dark and morbid and I LOVE it.
4. ...Probably because I have a girl crush on Scarlett Johansen

5. I don't like breakfast. If I could, I'd skip to lunch everyday.
6. New York City is my favorite city in America.

7. I have secretly always wanted to be a singer. Music calms me.
8. My creative ideas overwhelm me on a daily basis.
9. I've been a Blondie my whole life. I had WHITE hair as a child.
10. I do not know how to use a lighter to save my life. It's embarrassing really.

11. When I need "me" time, I love going to Pier One and smelling candles.
12. I was married in Las Vegas. A very small and intimate ceremony just the way I wanted it.

13. I can not start my day without making my bed and showering.
14. I am the most clumsy, uncoordinated person in all of the lands.
15. I have a tattoo on my foot (me and 2 girl friends got matching tattoos)

16. I grew up camping and now I despise it.
17. Family Portraits make me happy
18. I have one younger sister and people ALWAYS mistake us for twins!

19. Flying is my BIGGEST fear.
20. I went to an all girls Catholic school for Junior High and High School.

That's all I got for now!


  1. You seriously are the best...I laughed at the lighter part. I love that you got married in Vegas and I'm super jealous that you can sleep before ten. I have insomnia.....ugh. I hope you have the best day, ever.

  2. What a great post Lindsay! Thanks for sharing! I totally need to do something like this.

  3. Great idea! Those are the perfect way for us to get to know you better! Oh, and the lighter? Fear not. No one can use those things, really, can they?

  4. How fun! And I am the same way when it comes to bedtime....I am lucky if I make it past 10pm (sadly, even on the weekends! :)

  5. Loved getting to know you more!! :) So fun!

  6. Great post! I can't use a lighter either, LOL! It's a good thing I'm not a smoker I guess! I'm a match girl anyway! ;-) I don't like to fly and don't do it often, but I'm getting better at it.
    My boyfriend just got me an US magazine subscription for Valentine's Day!

  7. Thanks for introducing yourself. I just recently started following your blog. You have a beautiful daughter!

  8. Cute post! You are so adorable! i love the cute pictures!

  9. i loved this post, so fun getting to know more about you:) you and your sis really do look like twins! and i love all your flippin cute picts! NYC is my fav too~

  10. I love reading these kind of things! You are so pretty, first off. Then, I LOVE the fact that you were married in Vegas-- I wanted to get married there too. In a small chapel or a hotel? Your tattoo is adorable-- did it hurt much?

  11. I love this, Lindsay! You and your sister are SO cute and I can totally see how people could mistake you for twins. I'm totally with you on #5. And your wedding picture is beautiful!


  12. You are gorgeous girl and I am so jealous that you go to bed before 10pm! I would need some major Tylenol PM for that!

  13. Great post, and such fun photos! I love learning more about ya, girly! I make my bed every day too, and love going to sleep early, 10pm would be amazing!

  14. I enjoyed getting to know you better. New follower! :D

  15. Love this post girlie! You're the bestest!

  16. so fun lindsay! hey, how come i don't see you on twitter? you would love it!

  17. Nice to meet ya!

    I love Scarlett, too. And, NYC is the best. Period.

  18. I heart NYC as well (I live in CA also).

    That lighter thing shouldn't be an issue if you don't smoke, and if you do, the lighter thing might save your life! heh!

    This is a great idea for a post!
