February 9, 2011


via here

1. Finding brand new Pottery Barn decor at a neighborhood garage sale last weekend

2. Getting my hair highlighted for the first time in months...

3. Getting to stay home every day with this little face. BEST job in the world!

4.  Getting a weekend alone with my hubby this past weekend

5. Landyn sleeping in this morning until 7:45 AM. That is a world record!

6. Vivite Eye Cream, Kerastase Shampoo, and Crest White Strips...MY STAPLES!

7. Laughing over childhood memories with my sister

8. A Pedicure with a girl friend...say no more!

1. killing every plant that comes within feet of my house. I can't keep a plant alive if my life depended on it...
2. my mismatched master bedroom

3. terrible cell phone service at my house

4. Having a brand new Nikon D3000 camera that I have no idea how to use

5. Target employee's knowing me and Landyn both by name

6. bribing Landyn with M&Ms to get her to sit in her stroller as I shop the mall.

7. Preparing for my 10 year high school reunion this July. Am I that old?

8. Burned toast this morning!

If you haven't already, enter the Sew Chatty Giveaway here!


  1. You are beyond cute, love this! I relate so much to the Not So Cool, Bedroom mismatched, Check, Target, Check, New camera and have to figure out, Triple check, Bribing with M&M's, always!!! HeHe.

  2. we are of similar age then my HS reunion was just this past Aug...I didn't go.....in fact I am not even friends with anyone from HS presently....Most of my friends today are from childhood or college.

    So what's with the New Camera lucky? I want the model right after yours the D3100...I'm trying so card to get those dang CC bills paid so I can get it!

  3. Ohhh but you can learn how to use the new camera! I think that is a "cool". Great list!

  4. I kill plants too! brown thumb:( I can't believe Landyn slept that late. 6;30 is a good day for us!
    And we also have a nice Nikon and I have no idea how to use it:( I thought of taking a class!

  5. Girl, I swear we could be related...

    I share many of your "cool" thoughts as well as your "uncool"...

    The ladies at Target call GG the Popcorn Baby because she always gets a bag of popcorn when we shop, which is often!

    I also have terrible cell service here at my house! So annoying...

    Still haven't tried the fancy shampoo I emailed about, but might give the Bumble and Bumble for curls a try soon!

    Hope your Wednesday is going well!


    Oh and isn't staying home THE BEST?!

  6. Yay to Landyn for sleeping in. We never get a "late" morning like that. I'm jealous! :)

    A little bribery is okay. We all have to do it! :)

    By the way, I LOVE your front door and the saying above it. Beautiful!

  7. Kerastase shampoo is one of my staples too :) I had big plans to go get a mani/pedi with a friend today, but then we got snowed in again :(

  8. This is so cute! I love posts like these & your daughter is beautiful!

  9. love this! oh my gosh you get your hair weaved? how did I not know this! I want to know more about it because Im thinking once I start to get a little hair back I will need to get a weave!

  10. Love this post!! And I am totally checking out the eye cream. Do you Love it? I NEED something! I'm already starting crows feet, ahhh. lol


  11. Love the 'cools' I need to check out the eye cream... love the shamp... I once was a hair dresser its my fave. I totally bribe Channing when I am shopping.... YES its that important!! LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. you are so flipping cute! loved this post~ i am with you on the target peeps knowing us! and m&ms for sure! ha!

  13. Get to practicing with that camera -- it means business!!
