November 24, 2010

q&a answers part II

Hi friends! I am here today to answer part II of your questions to ME! This is so much fun! Feel free to add on to the questions here, if you have something you are dying to know!

via here

And for Good Measure asks "if you weren't a stay at home mommy, what would you be doing"? 
I never did see myself as a full time mommy, actually something quite opposite. It's funny how those little faces can change your ENTIRE perspective of LIFE. My passion is fashion and I always wanted to work with my auntie (a costumer in the studios). I was able to PA with her for awhile, but never put my WHOLE self into it. I had to many distractions. I think one day (when my kiddies are grown) I'd love to go back and do this again.
And for Good Measure asks "do you and your hubby plan on having any more children"?
YES, we do! We are both so content with Landyn as she runs us in circles ALL DAY LONG, that I don't think we've even thought too much about it. I foresee babies in the future though. I pinky promise you will know as soon as I do!

Nicole asks "what did you aspire to be in grade school, junior high, and high school"?
In grade school I always wanted to be a teacher. I played school with my friends like no ones business. I was ALWAYS the teacher and a bossy one! Go figure! In junior high and high school, my mind changed with the seasons. I went from wanting to be a Doctor to an designer.

Just the Two of Us asks "what is your favorite thing to do in your spare time"?
These days spare time is rare. If I am in need for some "ME" time, I sneak away and take a bath. Even if it's a 5 minute bubble bath, it allows me time to wind down from a hectic day.

via here
Lori asks "What other names did you consider for Landyn"? "And if it were a boy"?
I grew up in southern CA, with a family in show business (ALL behind the camera). My birth announcement was a directors cut clap board (I was doomed from there). Michael Landon (Little House on the Prairie and Highway to Heaven fame), was a good family friend. I always loved the name and knew my first born would be named after him! It represents a little bit of where I am from. We changed the spelling to be a little different.

Part III coming soon! Wishing you and yours a HAPPY Thanksgiving. Enjoy the day with those you love. HUGS


  1. YAY! Thank you for answering my questions! :)

    I absolutely LOVE how you got Landyn's name. That is awesome! :)

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Thank you for being such a sweet online friend! :) I hope you and your family have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving day! :)

  2. Cute Blog! Thanks for reaching out to me! :) Glad to have gotten to know you a bit more!!!

    Have a great Thanksgiving girl!

    PS- Landyn - adorable!! And I love her name!

  3. i love this! you're too cute! i've always wanted to do a q&a but i'm afraid i wouldn't get any q's! hahah. hope you have a WONDERFUL thanksgiving!! xoxo

  4. LOVE Q&A!! So nice to hear you share and to learn more about you!

    Wow, that's cool that you family is involved in show business! I love Landyns name!

    Hop you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. I love reading these and hearing more about you, Lindsay! So cool how you chose Landyn's name. And bubble baths are one of my favorite ways to relax too. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  6. Very cool :) Thanks for answering!

  7. I am really enjoying these. How fun to be a part of the fashion industry! I so appreciate you and your sweet comments! Love your blog, girl!
    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. love these Q&A's! it is so much fun learning all these things about you girly! yay for fashion, and i love the story behing Landyn's name--so cute!
