November 17, 2010

q&a answers part I

I want to thank you all for your wonderful questions. They have allowed me to open up to you for a moment. Sometimes I get so caught up in all the other avenues blogging leads that I forget that you may want to know more about "ME". The me that sits behind all these blog posts. I begin today with Part 1 of our q&a series.

Chelsea asks "What inspires you"?
I am inspired by beauty around me, photos, music, meaningful words, my daughter's innocence, my hubby, people that are just as beautiful on the inside as they are out the outside, the blog world. I am inspired each day as I sign on with my cup of coffee and read all your posts!

country living

Tiff asks "How do you find time to time manage? I.E. family, house and friends"? 
Time management used to be my biggest weakness, but mommy hood has taught me to be better at diving up my time. I've become extremely routine and this has helped me tremendously. Thankfully Landyn still naps twice a day, so this is "me" time when I can clean my house, do laundry, call a friend, work on my little business, etc. OH and coffee is my best friend. It makes my lack of sleep ok.

Kendra asks "What are some goals of yours that you would like to accomplish within the next 5 years"?
This question used to be the most familiar question asked to me pre marriage and pre baby. These days, things have settled down. I do not foresee any European excursions or sky diving trips in my near future. As for 5 years, all I can hope for is a healthy and happy marriage and family and to instill in my little girl as many lessons and values I possibly can. My biggest thing right now is to teach her to be a generous person and that she is "beautiful" INSIDE and out.

via here
Jenni asks "What is one piece of advice you would give to your 10 years younger self"?
This is a great question. My high school and college years where a crazy whirlwind that I DO NOT ever want to re live. I would tell myself to LOVE me and me only. I was so caught up with making other people happy that I forgot who "Lindsay" was. As cliche as this sounds, it has truly shaped the ME that stands here in these shoes today. The Garth Brooks song "thank God for unanswered prayers" is so pertinent to me. I wanted to be with someone SO badly but God had a different plan. A better plan. One that is my happily ever after. 

Part II
Part III


  1. Love this so much. You have such a wonderful heart and spirit. I'm so lucky to call you a friend. The blogging world is amazing.

  2. I love that you're doing these Q&A blog post... I do agree with Val, you have a wonderful spirit, and I look forward to reading the rest of the A's to the Q's...
    Have a wonderful day!!

  3. Thanks for answering my question..I already use the coffee, maybe the rest you can just rub off on me! :)

  4. Love this! God certainly does have the perfect plan for us.
    Hugs girl!

  5. Wonderful post Lindsay!! I really enjoyed getting to know YOU a little better through these questions. Thanks for answering mine!!

    Have an awesome day and give your sweet little one a kiss for me! :)

  6. this was great! Thanks for taking the time to answer :)

  7. looking forward to reading all of your answers!

  8. You are too adorable. Excited to read part two!

  9. Wow! Your answers are all so thoughtful and inspiring. With a person like you in their life, you can't go wrong.

  10. Wow! Your answers are all so thoughtful and inspiring. With a person like you in their life, you can't go wrong.

  11. i loved reading this! you are such a great mom, and such a cute chick!

  12. what a sweet post, lindsay! landyn has a wonderful mommy.

    hope all is well! i'm excited for some rain- are you guys getting any?
