November 16, 2010

Lee La La at the Rose Bowl

I wanted to share a few photos from our Rose Bowl show. It was such a great experience as I learned a lot about my market. We had a record number turn out as people have begun their holiday shopping while enjoying great weather. 75 degrees in November. Got to love So Cal. Thank you to all for your support and making this day possible. A special thanks to my dear hubby who came along and sat with me all day. He truly is my dream boat!

My "little" booth


If you haven't joined in on my q&a here, I'd love to hear from you. I will begin answering your questions tomorrow. Can I just tell you how impressed I am with your questions? You all are brilliant!


  1. Aww. I'm so proud of you. I'm going to have order Avery something for Xmas. Your amazing. My question for you is......what are your goals for the future and where do you see yourself in ten years? Call me. Hugs.

  2. Oh my! I so would have been a customer! Congrats that's really great! Who wouldn't love your stuff?

  3. How fun! I'm super excited you got to do this! Your stuff is so so cute!

  4. Very cool! How sweet of your hubs to sit there with you! I wish I were in the area to buy stuff for my neice!

  5. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you and your booth!! I have my first holiday craft fair in a few weeks. I'm so nervous!! I need to pick your brain!

  6. That is so neat! Congrats on getting show your stuff should be so proud of yourself!!

  7. Congrats! How did it go? Business to business talk here.. Let me know I've wanted to do one but it's alot of work.

  8. Congratulations!! Getting through a craft show really is an accomplishment. Looks like lots of fun!

  9. you are so stinkin cute! love your booth--everything looks great! congrats chick!

  10. Congratulations and wow, what a cool experience to have your own booth!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  11. How exciting!! I So need a baby girl so I can get some of that adorableness.

  12. Your booth and you look great! Your hubby is such a trooper!
    Hugs girl!!!

  13. Hi Lindsey! So glad I stopped by this morning! Thank you for your comment on my shells. You have so many wonderful giveaways!! I entered a couple! thanks!!! Also, congrats on the show at the Rose Bowl! That's great! I miss Cali. I used to live in Santa Barbara and it was Soooooo beautiful. Have a wonderful day Lindsey!

  14. I saw your pics on FB! Loved everything you had that I could see.. well... hope you did great!
