October 18, 2010

sTuck in the Coop Giveaway, a WINNER, and this little blog turns 1!

We have a winner for the Wine Barrel Woodcraft Giveaway
...Pink Cashmere Cardigan...
You win! Send me an email at Lindslee00@gmail.com and we will get your prize of choice in the mail for you! 

Today I have a lovely giveaway to present to you. Meet sTuck in the Coop. 

Heather started this business as a way to stay home with her two boys, Tucker and Cooper (hense the name). She loves to create unique and personalized jewelry for herself and others. Have something special in mind? She can bring your ideas to life! 

Some fun facts about sTuck in the Coop:
-Heather was an etsy featured seller. Read her fun interview here
-She was featured in US Weekly Magazine: December 7th, 2009 page 82 to be exact!
-She even has her own supply shop. Looking to create this jewelry yourself? Go here to buy supplies
-Jewelry runs in the family. Her sweet Momma owns an estate vintage jewelry shop. You can check Mama out here

Heather is generously giving one of my Lee La La readers a Mama Bird Nest Necklace. How many eggs will be in your nest?

Want to win?
Mandatory: Visit sTuck in the Coop and come back and tell me what you have your eye on in her shop
+1 follow Lee La La 
+1 "like" Lee La La on facebook
+1 add Lee La La as a favorite on etsy
+3 blog about this giveaway and link back to this post 

Good Luck. I will choose a winner October 25. 

WAIT I am not finished...
I apologize this is the longest post to date, but today is my ONE YEAR anniversary of blogging! At 228 followers and growing, I am thankful to each and everyone of you! You come back day after day and listen to be rant and rave, and I couldn't be more blessed. What started as a way to keep in touch with "family", has turned into such a passion and love for me. I have met friends that I would never know otherwise, and I truly feel like you are all my extended family. I listen to your highs and lows, cry with you and laugh with you, pray for you! You all inspire me daily. 

Thank you ALL for turning this "little" blog into such a joy for me. I have shops that want to sponsor me to do what I love. It's surreal really! I hope this post finds you all well and I look forward to all the memories we get to share down the road. Thank you my dear friends! HUGS


  1. Happy 1 year anniversary!! I'am so happy for you! I adore your you and your blog! I enjoy looking at your blog daily it makes me smile and you do too. Here is to many more years!

  2. Yay! Congratulations on your bloggy anniversary! Such a big deal! (I've extended your giveaway 'til Wednesday and will email you the winner then!)

  3. I like the distressed disc necklace!

  4. congrats! I love this. I'm a follower:)

  5. I would love the monogrammed earrings.

  6. Yay for 1 year! i adore your blog~ you are the cutest~ and what a fun giveaway! there are so many i can't choose!

  7. My favorite thing would be the Copper Love Mixed Metal Collection

  8. I "like" Lee La La on Facebook

  9. I added Lee La La as a favorite on Etsy

  10. I blogged about this giveaway here:


    entry 1 of 3

  11. I blogged about this giveaway here:


    entry 2 of 3

  12. Happy Anniversary!! SO glad to have "met" you! :)

    Other then the nest necklace, which I ADORE, I'd also love the rain drop necklace. SO pretty!!!

  13. congrats on the one yr anniversary!
    What a lovely giveaway too - I love the family is the key necklace.

  14. I have hearted the Leelala shop on etsy!

  15. My favorite is the hammered copper bracelet or the capture life necklace.

  16. You're one of my etsy favorites.

  17. Yey congrats on your blog turning 1 :)

  18. I'd love to win. ONE egg for me right now. hopefully TWO in a few months. :)

  19. Beautiful jewelry!!
    Congrats on your blogiversary! Cheers to another fabulous year!

  20. I love LOVE the "Family is Key" piece:)
    modernmom at rocket mail dot com

  21. I now like you on facebook! I don't know how I didn't before:)

  22. Happy anniversary to you and your blog! I'm sure the year has flown by! I LOVE this giveaway, Lindsay. The shop is so cute, I'm especially into the Family is Key necklace. What a sweet message. Hope you had a great weekend!


  23. and what a cute little giveaway! of course i'm a follower!

  24. oops and i forgot to say that i love that golden autumn leaf!

  25. After visiting her site, I just love the mama bird (featured) or the peas in the pod. Both are sooooo cute!!

  26. Congrats girl! I love your blog! What a great giveaway, I really love the sweet pea necklace. =)

  27. Congratulations Lindsay - one year - so fantastic! Isn't this blog world such a wonderful place - so pleased to have found you and very thankful for your lovely comments on my blog - you make my morning when I usually wake up to one of your overnight comments (well at least it is morning here when I get it!). Leanne. PS. Hubby is heading to your part of the world tomorrow for one day ! Yes one day as this weekend happens to be the busiest weekend for my new little business and I told him he had to be back to babysit!!!!! I think he is on the plane longer than he is on the ground! Sending hugs!

  28. Yay! Congratulations on one year! Super exciting!!

    I checked out sTuckintheCoop and I'm loving the Dreamer necklace. Cute!

  29. I'm a new Follower!!! I.M.T.L your blog! too cute!! don't forget to enter my giveaway~


  30. I like the Family Charms Mixed Metal Collection.
