September 24, 2010

{NEW} purple haze bracelet and new baby shoes!

{NEW} purple haze wrap bracelet! Visit my etsy shop here and receive free shipping on all wrap bracelet orders this weekend only!

My little walker baby got some new converse last weekend. They already look like she's put miles on them...How do you mommas keep your kiddies shoes looking clean? Is it inevitable?

Have a fantastic weekend my friends!


  1. Love those sweet little baby shoes! So precious!

  2. very cute! the shoes and the bracelet!!!

  3. love the little converse shoes with velcro!! If kids shoes are washable (in other word don't have any leather) the dishwasher works great!

  4. Those converse are stinkin' CUTE!

  5. I tossed a pair of muddy tennis shoes in the wash with a load of jeans (didn't dry them), and they came out looking much better. But I think kid shoes are bound to show some wear.

    Cute bracelet!

  6. What a fabulous bracelet! You're so talented, Lindsay. And those shoes are just precious. I want a pair! Hope you have a great weekend.


  7. ah! love those little converse--too cute~ the bracelet is gorgeous too! have a great weekend girly:)

  8. What a pretty bracelet! I know what you mean about keeping the shoes clean. Wished I had some advice for you. My kids are so hard on things.
    Have a great weekend girl!
