September 18, 2010

A Day at the Zoo

Saturday, we took Landyn up to the Santa Barbara Zoo for the second time. She loved the animals and it was quite a different experience than mentioned here. Santa Barbara has a special place in my heart as it is such a beautiful scenery. No where else can you visit the Zoo along the Pacific Ocean. I hope this post finds you all having a wonderful weekend!

feeding the giraffes

HUGE gorilla

train ride

taking it all in, my baby and me


  1. Great pictures! That gorilla is HUGE!!! :) Landyn is gorgeous!

    Have a great rest of the weekend

  2. We have an annual pass to the Denver Zoo and try to go at least once a month- Jasper LOVES all the animals! Looks like a beautiful zoo

  3. That looks like a fabulous zoo! You and Landyn look so cute!!!

  4. I took my crumb to the SF zoo last week, and she loved it! However, I must admit, zoos make me really sad....

    We are in Santa Barbara (and you are right, it is a magical place) this weekend. I plan to spend a lot of time at the beach!

  5. I just LOVE going to the zoo!! I have never been to the Santa Barbara zoo but I bet it is gorgeous there! What a fun family day for you guys :) Hope you have enjoyed your weekend girl!

  6. I love the zoo! Sounds like fun! I wish we had a better zoo here.

  7. Goodness that gorilla is crazy huge! Yikes! Looks like a fun day!

  8. How fun! I bet Landyn really enjoyed it!

  9. That zoos are so grand on the west coast, ours are tiny here in the Boston area. My little girl seemed to be a lot more fascinated with the dirt and gravel than the animals at the zoo the last time we went! Great photos and thanks for sharing!

  10. I totally need to take the dude to the zoo. It's been way too long!

  11. I heart zoos. Looks like you had fun!! Did bebe love it?

  12. I love Santa Barbara ~ what great photos!

  13. that looks like so much fun! i love a zoo day! love all of your cute picts too~

  14. Great pics! I sooooooooooooo envy you that you guys have such a FAB zoo! I have heard about that Zoo. I so want Nik to see Giraffes and Elephants. We don't have a Zoo like that near us. I really want to find one before the cold weather hits bc I know she would LOVE it! She loves looking at tehir pics in books. It's really important to me to show her:)

    Ummm that zoo looks Fab, and I think I would go visit if it were just me and Hubs! And, you so need to blow up that last pic of you and the pumpkin and hang it up, or at least frame it in every room of your house, it's BEAUTIFUL! Gorgeous shot!
