September 5, 2011

Where I'm at...

                                                                          Source: via Jessica on Pinterest

 The past few days has been a whirlwind for me, 
and I thought I'd share real quick where I am at. 

I have tried to compose a post to express myself to you,
but have been unable to get the words out right.

{Here goes my best shot}

For the most part, 
my blog is a happy place. 
I like to believe that life is happy.

And then suddenly life throws you a curve ball and changes all that. 
A year ago this month, 
my dear aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. 
She has fought a hard fight for one whole year,
but unfortunately 
we got word last week that her cancer has spread to her lungs and her time with us is numbered.

My heart is broken into a million little pieces.
Sitting in a dark room with the women that has been that mother figure my whole life,
{the women you have always looked up to and vowed to model yourself after}
tell you that she is dying,
wages a crazy war in your heart. 
Tears streaming down our faces. 
Hands gripped tight.
 I will never forget that moment for the rest of my life.

I like to believe that I am this "big Christian" with lots of faith.
The truth is, I am a baby Christian.
And times like this make my faith even smaller.
Why would God take someone so dear to us?
Someone with a heart of gold that just wants to see her kids get married?
The truth is, I am angry. 

I'm sorry for being so vulnerable.
I had to let you in on where I'm at.
I can not hide from you.
I promised I'd be real. 
I'll be back to myself soon.


  1. Oh sweetie, I'm SO SO sorry!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!! There is nothing wrong with the feelings you feel!! I have been there, trust me!! I'm here if you need to talk!

  2. My prayer goes out to you...

    I know how hard and sad it is to lose someone very dear, my mother passed away a few years ago but I can still feel some pain inside me whenever I remember her which is almost everyday. But let us be thankful for the memories and times shared together ♥

  3. Bless your heart! I am so sorry that you are in this broken hearted place. I wish I could answer the 'why', but I can't. God has not left you and He will not forsake you...some things will have to be answered in Heaven. I will hold you in my heart and will keep you in my prayers. xxoo...xxoo

  4. I am so sorry Lindsay. I will be praying for her, you and your family. Big HUGS!

  5. I'm sorry your family has to go through this. It us natural to feel angry. We will have heartache in this world, but it always helps me to remember that God's plan is so much bigger than we can understand. He does promise to always be with us, lean on Him. He can take your questions and your anger. I'll be praying for you.

  6. Its ok to be angry at Him and not understand. I always tell people, He is God..He can take it, its not like He doesn't know anyways. :) A dear friend lost her dad a couple months ago and as she talks it out with me she will say sometimes..."we loved him, but I guess God loved him more".
    I know there are no real words that will heal such a broken heart. Hang in there sweet girl.

  7. Oh poor dear, I am so sorry! Praying for you.... You can be real with us ANYTIME, remember that. And it's ok to cry it out and grieve... He is holding You.
    Hang in there, you are loved by Him!


    Jeremiah 29:11

  8. I am so sorry. We know we are promised that God will not give us more than we can handle but, sometimes it is really hard to understand.
    hugs, prayers and support coming at you. If I can help in anyway please let me know.


  9. I am feeling heartbroken for your aunt and your family. I lost my aunt to colon cancer several years ago. It does not seem fair, I know. My husband was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma at 30. Through our pain, I have come to the conclusion that God is good even when our life circumstances are bad. Praying for your family.

  10. I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. Grief can be overwhelming, I know. I hope it will help you to share it with us. Life is hard, but I couldn't make it without my faith. I think you will find that is true as you go through this trying time.

  11. Be angry. Be confused. Be sad. Be teary. Be resentful. Be whatever you want. Just try not to forget to be prayerful. God knows you and he knows your heart. He will help you through this. And, like another poster said, He can take it, so, grieve the woman you love anyway you see fit. Losing a loved one is not easy but I know He will help you through. Hang in there sweetie.

  12. Oh Lindsay, I am SO sorry to read this!!!! You can count on me for prayers, daily, for you, your Aunt and your family.

    I am also just a "baby Christian" so goodness knows I should not be giving advice to anyone, but I was listening to one of my favorite Jeremy Camp songs on the radio this morning, and this part really struck me, and I feel led to share it with you...

    "And I have touched the scars upon His hands to see if they were real.
    He has walked the road before me, he knows just how I feel.
    When you feel that there's not anyone, who understands your pain
    Just remember all of Jesus's suffering."

    I will be praying, friend!

  13. Oh goodness, I'm so sorry, Lindsay! Your family is in my prayers!

  14. oh honey I am so sorry. I know that has to be really hard. I know what it is like to lose close loved ones but it is NEVER easy!! Prayers being lifted for your whole sweet family girl!

  15. awwww lindsay honey, i'm so sorry for everything you are feeling, and everything you are feeling is natural and actually growing your faith to an even higher level. i'm a praying that peace and genuine joy just floods your entire spirit.

    love u!

  16. There aren't enough words to tell you how sorry I am for what you are going through. I know that your little L will get to know her even after she is gone from this world by your actions and stories. Keep striving to be like her and she will live on.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear this. Take your time. Grief is a process.

    It's always difficult to lose someone, but even more so when it's one of your treasured 'heroes' ....

    Praying for you and your family...

  18. This made me cry. I too am a baby Christian and I know exactly what you mean. When things are good faith is easy. When they are bad faith seems impossible. Glad I'm not alone in this.

  19. Lifting you up in prayer. Remeber God never gives us more than we can handle. He is in control and no matter what we can or can't understand here on earth. His plan for you and your family may be far greater. Blessings that His grace will fill your heart.

  20. I've never commented on your blog before, but I love reading it. I'm so sorry about your aunt. It's truly not fair. My Daddy was taken from me with a sudden heart attack about 3 years ago, and it's just not fair. Not fair that my kids will never get to know the most amazing guy I've ever known, or hear his crazy jokes, or the weirdo way he talks to animals, or any of it.
    Just be glad that you have a chance to say goodbye, that you have a chance to videotape her voice, or take another picture. She'll live on in the memories you have of her.

  21. LOVE, I'm so sorry I hadn't read this by this morning :( News like this is never easy and never seems fair. At this point we can all pray that she enjoys her days here, that you and all her family and friends can find peace,and that she doesn't have to endure any pain. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. Please let me know if there is anything I can do!

  22. Oh honey! I'm sooo sorry! Praying for you!

  23. Oh my goodness, how tragic. It's so hard to understand God's plan sometimes. But I think there is freedom in just knowing that He is sovereign. And trials only give us reason to rely more on Him. It draws us closer to Him. We're not suppose to know all the answers. And honestly sometimes I'm glad I don't. I just "let go, and let God" as they say. Let him take all our burdens! God Bless you and your sweet Aunt!!

  24. Lindsay I'm just catching up on your posts, and I just wanted you to know that I am right there with you. I understand. I get it. I struggle with those same questions every day. Life doesn't make sense at all sometimes, and it's especially difficult not to question God when you have to watch someone so dear to you suffer and waste away. As you know, my step dad is in the same boat.

    Thinking of you, girl. If you ever want to vent, you know my email. :)
