September 22, 2011

Letting HER true colors shine

I always envisioned myself as a "GIRL" Momma. 
So it came to no surprise when we found out we were having a baby girl. 
I saw frilly dresses, lace tights, and big obnoxious headbands.
I was ALSO certain I would even have a little towhead. 
God flicked me down on this one guys.... {SIGH}

Landyn is my little tom boy.
Sure she wears dresses and plays dolls.
I even manage to sneak a cute clip in her hair from time to time. 
But the reality is,
 she is happiest when she is outside:
in the dirt, riding bikes, tinkering in the garage or doing something CRAZY with her Daddy.
And I am ok with that. 

I am all about letting her true colors shine. 
God's plan is so beautiful and unexpected. 
Here's to hoping that #2 comes out JUST LIKE ME. 


CONGRATS! Email me!


  1. b is the same way :) haha gotta love our girls! also .. is there a #2 on the way?!

  2. I LOVE that you are talking about #2, can't wait! and dont worry, i was a total tom boy growing up, and look at me now...oh wait, i still kinda am ;)

  3. i think little landyn is the best of both worlds- she can wear the cute dresses and play in the dirt! she is very well rounded :)

  4. Either way, she is perfect, right!? My niece is the same!

  5. That second picture made me smile--enjoy this age!

  6. She is such a cutie pie! My girl is a tom boy too... I think that is the best of both worlds. =)

  7. hehe- even if she is a bit of a tom boy she is still absolutely adorable!! :)

  8. My oldest was the same way. I remember the day she informed me that she no longer would "do" pink. She was 5. No frills, no ballet. She loves the outdoors, sports, and she loves to be different. I admire her for that.Love your blog. :)

  9. As a momma, you simply have to let them be who they want to be, don't you? isn't it the greatest though? My little miss loves bugs right now...and I say, hey...let's embrace it. ;)


  10. I love the one of her hiney facing the camera!

    And I'm destined to have a TomBoy too. Right there with ya!

    And here's to having #2 just like us .... unless it's a boy. ;)

  11. Love it! and... is that a declaration of pregnancy?????

  12. Your posts never cease to inspire me!! You are REMARKABLE and I am always in constant awe of what you have to say. I think your daughter is adorable and I love that you allow her to be the real her! You are such an amazing mother and I know you sacrifice so much for your daughter! That to me is the definition of humility and that to me is YOU SHINING!

  13. She is so cute! I love her sweet little curls!
