September 11, 2011

10 years later

                                                                               Source: via Lindsay on Pinterest

The day started off as many did...
the buzzing of my alarm, 
followed by hitting the snooze button a few too many times, 
and sprinting to the shower to make it on time to my freshman year of college.

But this day didn't go according to planned. 
This day took a different turn.
September 11, 2001 sticks in my memory as if it were yesterday.
I'll never forget the tone in my mom's voice as she broke the news to me.
I remember being glued to the TV for hours.
I remember feeling disbelief. Fear. Heartache. 
The world shut down that day and was forever changed.

September 11 was something we as a nation never prepared for in our life time.
The magnitude is still hard to fathom. 
As Americans, it is easy to take our freedom for granted.
Easy to forget what we stand for.

This day forever changed me.
Ten years later,
watching the footage of that September morning, brings me to tears.
It reminded me of the true meaning of unity.
Watching all the service men and women risk their lives to help others,
all in honor of the red, white, and blue, is truly amazing.
As a nation we bound together all for the name of our country.

Help me today in remembering September 11 and all it affected.
Help me in thanking all those who have served, or continue to serve our country.
God Bless our USA.

{go here for more info on the 911 memorial site that opens to the general public tomorrow}
I know I am adding a visit here in my very near future.
