August 3, 2011

My Good Deed for the Day

I spent all morning slaving around the house CLEANING. 
YUCK. {enter HUGE sigh here}
So what did I do to reward myself?
I went shopping of course....
MY good deed for the day...

Sometimes I find things that are so "pretty", and PERFECT, 
that they scream my name to buy them.
This was one of THOSE days!

Im off to Raging Waters with the family tomorrow.
Yes, we are going to swim in urine. 
It wasn't my idea, I assure you!
I pick my battles, REMEMBER?


  1. Oh Shopping is such fun...

    I'm always up for it ♥

  2. Bahahah I literally just laughed out loud at the Raging Waters comment! Too funny! Have fun though!

  3. I'm about to do the same tonight! LOL! Hope you had fun!

  4. Can we go shopping together please? I think we'd be excellent shopping buddies (except our wallets would be empty afterwards!)

  5. BAHAHAHA! I have no idea what Raging Waters is, but I assume it's something public and involves water slides and/or a wave pool?
