August 18, 2011

Mommyhood: Imagined vs Reality

In case you missed my guest post over at Bouffe e Bambini,
let's revisit...

Sarah Driscoll Photography

Pre baby, I had a "perception" of what being a Mommy meant.
Lots of down time
Laughter and Smiles
Let's just say, I was MISLEAD. 

Now, don't get me wrong, 
I wouldn't trade this job for anything in the world.
I'm just keeping it real and sharing what I've learned,
because let's face it,
 momma's are modest and don't always share how challenging this job really is.
Myself included.
So this is for all you Mom's...
Mom's to be.
Future Mom's.

Life of a Mom: Imagined vs Reality 
Playing dress up in frilly dresses and bows.
20 outfit changes a day and a "simple" onesie will likely be your staple.
Bows? They will get pulled right off.

Daily shopping trips to the MALL.
Shopping days are far and few between. Time is no longer your own. Your child makes your schedule. Miss L refuses to sit in her fancy stroller that I HAD to have. You find yourself bribing your littles with candy. The back arching temper tantrum is bound to happen 10 mins into any shopping experience.

Play dates will be a daily social gathering for the momma's.
Play dates involve broken conversations with a lot of "what was I saying". Playing referee and catching your kids arm mid air as she goes in for attack. At the end of the play date you feel as though you ran a half marathon.

Perfect hair. Perfect outfit. Matching diaper bag and stroller. Baby in tow will be color coordinated as well. I will be THAT Mom that everyone talks about. 
Stained Shirts, food in my hair, boogers on my face. If we make it out the door without an outfit change on either part, it's a good day. 

I will be ORGANIZED and CLEAN.
Forget organization. Just when you go to put something somewhere it is removed. My purse is full of rocks and pebbles, my car has pb&j stuck in the crevices, my couch smells like sour milk, and theres a beautiful crayon mural on my dining room table. 

Nap time involves cleaning house, picking up toys for the 19th time, laundry, preparing dinner,
Lee La La get my drift. With mommy hood comes pure exhaustion. I rely on coffee in these parts.

I will cook a gourmet meal every night.
I never knew one stove could make so much smoke. Let's just say I have learned I have no future in culinary education. Pre made meals are my specialty.

Thinking to yourself "That screaming toddler is OUT OF CONTROL". "They must have TERRIBLE parents".
You no longer judge other mom's. Kids are unpredictable and tantrums happen to the best of us.


  1. Love this and its so so true!

  2. saying that this is "true" is an understatement. Thanks for sharing!


    I'm a sinlge mom and I just went on a single mom rant over on my blog the otherday!

  4. Love this :) I haven't gotten to the full toddler stage yet (he will be one next week) so I can only imagine what's to come!

  5. Thank you thank you thank you from a new Mom. Your honesty is so refreshing!

  6. SO SO SO true! My little girl is 13 months, walking all over the place, you hit the nail on the head with the playdate reality!;) there are times I debate on going, come home asking why I did, (because if I didn't I would go crazy) and I feel like I run a marathon every day...but wouldn't change it for the world! Love your blog!!;)

  7. LOVE this post! I dont think I really every had preconceived notions on how life would be with a child.. probably because for so long I denied I would ever have a child. NOw I have three! I love them.. but mommyhood is a LOT of hard WORK!
    This was such a fun post, and so totally true! I especially loved that last bit about the tantrum throwing kids. I never judged parents for this.. but I have been the victim of being judged by my childs behavior. Its not fun or nice.. it really makes you feel crappy! I love when there are other mommas out there who can relate and sympathize with this! :)

  8. Is it sad to still think I can still do it all even after reading this. I'm sure I will be eating a piece of humble pie when I have little ones but I kind of enjoy living in the clouds. :o)

    This scares me a bit but it's good to be warned beforehand.

    Kendra aka "Domestic Princess in Training:

  9. you are so right on girly~ hilarious b/c it's so true~
    you girlies are gorgeous~

  10. this is such a good post! i'm not a mom, but i will definitely keep this in mind for when i become one in the future. :)

    <3, Mimi

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Amen sista! I have 2 and its double the trouble now! Greatest and hardest job for sure, hands down. I was totally judgy before I had my own kids too...not so much anymore!! Great post.

  13. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love this so much! It is so true!!! I had a boy first, so it really didn't set in until I had my baby girl last year. Why did I think I was going to play pretty princess dress-up every day? DELUSIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I was! So true, I cower to a onesie most days just to make it easier :) Maybe that imaginary mommy-hood is really for GRANDMOMS! :) Love it! Thanks for sharing!

  14. not a momma yet, as you know :), but this post was wonderful. thank you for writing it all out. yes people tell us the good...well lots of good, and very little bad or should i say difficulties. i really want to say how much i appreciate you for writing this and getting it in our heads that being parent is hard, but is still amazing.

  15. OMG - we are on the same page today!

    I love it. I love the part about the cute outfits ... half the time (ok, more like 95%) Eva just runs around in a diaper. Heck, it's hot outside and we're not leaving the house. It's far easier than dealing with kicking legs and tantrums.

    Playdates? I gave up. I just can't deal during this stage. Maybe later?

    And yah. I always wanted to be that Mom, that was fabulous. My JL friends think I am, but they don't realize it took me 3 hours to get ready before today's meeting - it also involved sitting Eva in her highchair, in front of the TV.


    We will miss these days ...

    Then, we'll find ourselves right back here, with baby #2 ....


  16. Love this post, couldn't be more true! Sharing this with all my fellow new-mom friends! And I too was strongly mis-led, I like to say I had imagined it as "butterlflies and chirping birds" which, it is NOT!

  17. I could not have said it better myself!

  18. Ahhhh... I'm rolling over here!!! SO well written my friend :D And, boy oh boy can I relate, after my new gallery wall had an unplanned addition yesterday. Ugh.


  19. I loved this! Not only because it was funny and quite true, but because it reminds me that I am not alone is this mommy thing, that there are others out there who have the same struggles and joys, and that we have such a great place to share and support each other!

  20. amazingly true and real...LOVE love this post! :)

  21. Wonderful post!! We are about to start trying to expand our family and seeing reality is great!

    I agree that many times people only post about the great/easy things and aren't always real. Thank you!

  22. I love it when moms say it like it is. We don't have kids yet, but it's nice to feel a little more prepared for when the time comes.

  23. this is so true! i'm not a mom, but have been working as a nanny for a family with two toddler girls - it isn't quite what i had imagined! mom's have the HARDEST job ever!!

