August 28, 2011

"It get's better with time"

We've been to the zoo a handful of times,
but for some reason our trip today was my favorite.

The older Landyn gets,
the more "enjoyable" things become.

Watching the amazement and wonder on my two year old's face, 
turns my heart into MUSH

I've found the ol' saying,
"It get's better with time",
holds true, more often than not...

Sure, bringing this face to the zoo was fun,
but it was a different sort of fun.

The older Landyn gets,
the more I learn to manage and let it all go.
The more I learn to ENJOY our family of three.

Watching my girl grow into her own person,
and stretch her wings,

makes this ride so worth it.

How was your weekend?

Linking up here:


  1. AWE!!!! I'm dying to take Miss Eva to the zoo, when we go to Dallas.

    I love these pix. Cute!!!!!

    And her Tom's... teeheehee!

  2. I love the SB zoo. Linds, these pics could not be any better. Her little Tom's are so cute!

  3. Okay, I might be crazy, but our girls look a lot alike! I love what you wrote about watching her spread her is SUCH a magical time to watch them grow into their own little person, isn't it?


  4. so precious! I love watching my nieces and nephew grow and learn. I agree Landyn's little face is just adorable and so intrigued! Love it!!

  5. I know EXACTLY what you mean! We actually made our third trip to the zoo this weekend with my 2.5 year old son. This was the best visit by far as he was much more interested in the animals. The only problem was that he didnt want to leave each animal!

    This age is so much fun :)

  6. The SB zoo is such a cute zoo! I love it at the top with the view of the ocean. What a fun day!!

  7. your baby girl has the most beautiful eyes! and love her little toms. so cute.

  8. She is so beautiful like her momma! What a fun trip ;)

  9. She has the face of an angel. What sweet memories!

  10. Love your pics! We haven't been to the zoo yet... it's been too hot! Hoping to make it this fall. =)

  11. what a blast!! and i adore these picts--your fam is so cute!

  12. wait, you don't live in SB do you?! We are members of the SB zoo so we're there all the time. It does just get better (the kids) and just wait until she's 3 and 4 and so interested in learning about all the animal facts :) So fun. Love those Toms too!

  13. Your daughter has a very beautiful face, so angelic!:D I'm glad you three had a great time.:D

    ***** Marie *****
    $100 Shopbop Gift Card International Giveaway!

  14. Cute! It really does get better with time :). I know I love my baby more every day.

  15. I love taking my daughter to the zoo too! We were debating on whether or not to renew our membership and for me it was a given - although the animals are the same Zoey's growing everyday and each time we go I feel like she experiences more and more. These pics are so sweet!

  16. I couldn't agree more! And how cute are those mini Toms??! :)

  17. She is adorable. I agree with you, things do get better with time. The beach and the park are so much more fun now that my girl is a little older.

  18. such a fun zoo day! and i love how worn out her TOMS are...

    glad you joined us this week :)
