August 8, 2011

I'm that GIRL WHO...

Sara Driscoll Photography

I'm that girl who...

Will throw a wrinkled shirt in the drier as an alternative to ironing...Or use my hair flat iron to iron out a few minor wrinkles... some call this LAZY, I call it AWESOME!

Will insist we find the closest Starbucks on our family camping trip. This momma doesn't do instant.

Saves and reuses EVERYTHING! That includes last years tissue pom pom's used for Miss L's cupcake first birthday party. I'm cheap like that!

Is happiest in a t shirt and flip flops.

Would rather make a 20 mile trip for an excuse to go to Target, then buy the SAME THING at the grocery store 1 mile away.

Can't leave my house in the morning without making my bed.

Has "one glass of wine and she's feeling kinda tipsy".

uses the word "LIKE" entirely too much...can't take the So Cal out of the girl.

gets a ridiculous amount of satisfaction when I buy something on clearance.

favorite smell is the new car scent.

pre baby, wore heels EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Even to the beach.

would win an award for the most number of bathroom breaks in one day....and no I'm not pregnant.

could do without TV....I hardly ever watch.


  1. i sometimes flat iron my hubbies collars in the AM. i hate ironing too!

  2. i love it--you are so cute~ i was a total heels girl pre babies too:)

  3. You are awesome!!! We would so be friends in real life!

  4. I love this! :)

    I'm notorious for using the dryer as an iron! It's completely genuis! ;)

  5. why do we not live closer?? I ALWAYS throw stuff in the dryer instead... I don't do ironing... but now that I have the idea of flat ironing... I am set THANKS :)

    I love to re-use

    and ALWAYS buy on sale or clearance! ITS SERIOUSLY MY FAVE!!!!!!!!

  6. That is almost EXACTLY me. Except...

    My boyfriend boycotts starbucks, so we have a few other favorite coffee shops.

    & I wish I could wear heels every single day! I absolutely LOVE them, but I just can't get used to them, my feet kill! Plus, I live in Manhattan now [though, I was a born & raised California girl] & there is just so much walking. Ugh. Any tips on how to get used to them?

  7. I think I could write a post with many of these exact same things Lindsay! You are too cute!

  8. Hilarious post!

    I'm right there with you on going to great lengths in order to not bust out the ironing board and will travel all distances to find a target. Ha! And clearance?!? I will mostly convince myself I need something if it is on sale. So funny!

  9. OMG, I felt like I was just reading about myself, except for the whole "making my bed every morning" thing! ;)
    I actually drove WAY out of the way yesterday, just to go to Target, and Starbucks just happens to be next door! ;)

  10. I'm soooo there with you! I have more heels in my closet (now collecting dust) than most have in their entire lifetime. It's funny, my non-mom friends say they just can't do flats .... I'm like, just wait.

    And yes, like, is a word that is important in the English language. I find myself typing it in (important) emails ... then realize that may not look so hot.

    And um ... the iron? I have no idea where it is.... but I def. get much use outta the dryer. (And the shower - you can 'steam' a shirt in there...)


    Love this!

  11. haha! This is great! I am such a lightweight! My Hubby makes fun of me because one drink {not glass...literally a drink/sip/whatever} and I start telling him, "my arms feel heavy!!" I throw stuff in the dryer too...I can't find my iron at the moment, but its not like I would have used it if I had it anyway. I am the same way with the, "you can't take the SO CAL out of the girl." I hear ya sister! Clearance is my forever friend! I love this post! :) So cute! :)

  12. You are adorable. I live in heels and I never use an Iron. I'm all about throwing it all back in the dryer!! hehe

  13. i am with you on ALL of these points except for the heels and the tv. gotta have my tv. :)

  14. LOL! My husband was just talking about me being lazy because I hate to iron and I have to now because our dryer isn't in our unit.. you have to pay 1.00 to use it at all.... and I was saying how i missed the days where I would spritz some water on whatever it was and throw in the dryer for a minute or so. I've begun using the works :)


  15. Love this post and you! Thank you so much for your comment today! We are so going to have to find a way to get together soon!
    Hugs my friend!

  16. Love this post! Makes me wish we lived closer because I am right there with you on so many of these! ...especially the one about Target. :)

  17. Thanks for sharing these facts, nice to know more about you.:D

    ***** Marie *****
    $100 Shopbop Gift Card International Giveaway!

  18. I think we would get along :) except for maybe the making the bed thing.. I want my bed to be made every day.. but it just never happens.

  19. What's an iron?? ;0) You sound pretty rad to me!

  20. I hate ironing too! Looks like you've united all the non-ironers! lol. good job. Seems like the dryer is the better invention.
