August 23, 2011

I'm gonna miss this...

If you were to put this momma into a category, 
some might classify me as "uptight".
I've always been a nervous nelly type personality.
I'd rather sit it out than take a RISK.

Since having Miss L, 
my "uptight" nature,
has only intensified.  
I KNOW that this little quark about me,
drives my hubby crazy.
{he is the complete OPPOSITE...dare devil to the extreme}.

As of late,
I've been trying to remind myself to ease up.
Not sweat the small stuff...

It's OK if Landyn runs through the water fountains with her clothes on.
Eats macaroni and cheese for the zillionth time this week.
Climbs up the big kid later at the park.
Drinks non organic milk from restaurants.
drinks fountain water.
Goes to bed past 8pm.
{Yes, I am THAT obsessive}

I'm starting to realize that THESE moments are fleeting.
I am going to wake up and this will ALL be over.
"I'm gonna Miss this".
I want to cherish it ALL.

I've really been trying to remind myself that Landyn will only be MINE for a small amount of time.
Soon she will be an adult, and my worries will be different worries.
So for now,
I'm going to take a DEEP breath,
and soak it up.
Sara Driscoll Photography

PSST... Let's celebrate a ROCKING Summer season.
ALL Infant/Toddler SUN HATS are $15 in my shop.
Grab em while they last.


  1. Soak it all up.These are precious times. My little one is 9 and has a mind of her own. No longer can I pick out clothes for her or do her hair. It's official I am no longer cool.

  2. You nailed it. I was the same way with my oldest, and then i relaxed a ton. Enjoying the little moments, right?

  3. You are so right! I can relate to sooooo much of that. I have to remind myself almost daily to just chill out and let Izzy be a kid. It's so hard, but when I finally let some of that stuff go we're both happier :)

  4. I can relate to this post on SO many levels...I'm the extreme of "uptightness" and I feel like my kids "suffer" because of it. Sometimes I wish I could just let loose and allow Mia to eat spaghetti by herself, cover her face in it, get it all over her hands, etc. but I just can't! :) I need to work on it!!!!

    Great post! Adorable pics! :)

  5. I have to remind myself of this more often. Crazy how I try to control everything that Maddy touches, eats, plays with, just to try and protect her or have things happen on my terms! Guess I need to relax a bit too :) You're right, we only have them for a small amount of time. Such a good reminder and a great post!

  6. I am SO much the same way! When I had the twins I had to let go of some of those things... for self preservation. Love this post!

  7. I've been working on that lately too- I think I'm getting a teeeenie bit better. It's hard though! Those littles are our LIVES!

  8. So sweet <3
    I'm the same way - much more nervous now that I have kids. With toddlers there are so many worries; they are constantly falling, eating everything, etc. But you're right, it's important we stop and enjoy these fleeting times.

  9. I find myself more than ever....stopping and smelling the roses, literally! Soak it in and enjoy it all. Hugs my friend!

  10. I try to remember this when she's driving me crazy! They grow so fast :(

  11. goodness girl I feel ya! Ive been trying to remind myself a lot lately that I need to really soak it all in the GREAT and the hard days both... they go too fast!

  12. I know I'm gonna be the same kinda momma someday (on edge and always worried about something!) You are an awesome mommy though and could not be raising a cuter little girl!!

  13. Aww, this is such a sweet post! Landyn has grown so much, what beautiful pictures! Good for you for embracing the present and not sweating the small stuff. That's something that's always hard for me too.

    I know, I can hardly believe we moved either! I still feel like a California girl, but so far Michigan is nice too. :)

