August 16, 2011

Battle of the HOMES

                                                                                   Source: via Lindsay on Pinterest

For the past few months,
the hubs and I have been going back and forth with our living situation.

We bought our first home two years ago,
and are SO very happy here. 
We live in a picture perfect community,
in an award winning school system,
10 minutes from the BEACH,
but things are SMALL.
{We own a 2 bedroom townhouse}.

Truth be told,
we have been doing a LOT of thinking about expanding our family.
 THIS, however, would require us to relocate.
Something BIGGER.
Something more EXPENSIVE.

You see,
living in So Cal is NOT cheap.
The thought of spending $3,000 a month to RENT,
or $600,000 to buy a SINGLE FAMILY HOME,
makes me sick.

This going back and forth,
has been weighing me down.
do we make the move?
do we suck it up and hang tight for awhile longer?

I want Landyn to remember her childhood home as I do.
White picket fence.
Her hand prints on the back patio.

It's hard not to compare myself to those around me.
It's hard to keep up.

What I do know,
is that I am SO VERY BLESSED,
to be able to stay home and be MOMMY,
My hubby is able to provide for us and we live comfortably.

At the end of the day,
my heart tells me that everything will happen in HIS TIME.
Until then, I pray for patience...


  1. Ahhh .... home situations ... home choices ... not fun. :(

    Whatever choice you make will be the right one!

  2. As long as you are somewhere close to me, then we are fine ;) ...It will work out, and no matter where you are Landyn is lucky to have you both as parents!

  3. wow! that is a LOT to consider. we are in the process of trying to find our first place..hopefully a condo that we can grow into. my fiance has dreams of moving to the west coast but with prices like that im not sure we'll be able to.

    ah well, good luck with your house hunting and decisions! xoxo jillian:: don't miss my fishs eddy dish giveaway!

  4. Boy oh boy Cali is much more expensive and it is a beaut. I know it is a tough decision for sure! House stuff can be stressful! Thinking of you guys!! You got it right... it will all happen in HIS time! Love ya!

  5. Amen sistah! We are in the same boat. We can't stay in this apartment with another kiddo. There is no where to even put another crib. But, we don't want to shell out more for rent, making it take even longer until we can buy somewhere. We live it here, close to you and our fams, so that is the trade off we make. Location for space.

  6. Move to SC - there are a few houses on my street for sale then we could be nay-bors! YAY!!!

    No, but really, Ross and I had to expand a little over a year ago and I remember being right there where you are. It WILL all work out just the way it is supposed to! I am thinking about you girl!

  7. Thats where we are at too- right now we are renting a 2 bedroom home but we are ready to expand our family! I think we could stay in a 2 bedroom for at least another year though since I had j sleep w us for 6-7 months which I'm sure I would do 2nd time around. Sounds like SoCal prices are about the same as here! At least our neighborhood here in Denver is super pricey- we were lucky to get a decent deal on our little house but our next door neighbor just put their 2bedroom ( no back yard) up for rent for $3400 a month. Ridiculous right? The price we pay to live 1 block from the number one rated school in the state

  8. hmmm. i wish i could help you. but we rent in hawaii. the houses in hawaii are probably comparable (if not more expensive) than some areas in so cal. good luck with what you decide!

  9. I hear ya! I'm a single gal living in So Cal (my whole life) and I realize unless I hit the lotto I am not getting a home soon. And I hate the high apartment rent I pay :(

  10. these are basically my thoughts exactly! my two little ones share a bedroom right now and it is hard at times, but works for us right now. we feel very blessed that I can stay home and that we have really no major worries. all that to say--i feel ya, girl and thanks for sharing your heart!


  11. Lindsay,
    I feel you hon. My husband is a teacher, and I choose to stay at home with my kids so we still are saving for our first home! We are renting right now. There are days when it is tough not to compare to others, but if there is something I have learned is that what the world seems to say will make us happy never really does, and that the truest treasures are exactly what that print says. Family. I think the small sacrifices are worth it in the end!

  12. Praying for you. I know how hard it is to be in something small. We outgrew out place with our first baby. Long before twins. I am the kind of girl though who likes to be able to go and do instead of being tied down by a mortgage. You will make the right decison.

  13. Beautiful post, Lindsay! Yes, all in His time.:D

    Living in Southern California is really expensive and with a child, I can only imagine how stressful it is to wish for anything bigger over here!

    ***** Marie *****

  14. ah--such tough decisions! i am sure you will make the right decisions, and do what is best for your lil fam~

  15. Hi,
    My husband just took a job in Southern California. We've been doing a lot of research and we will pretty much have to struggle at first. We have 3 kids so we do need some space. What's annoying is that we own a 3300 sq. foot home in Texas but we won't get anywhere near this in SoCal!

  16. Come move by me, come move by me!!!! Hehe

  17. hi doll -

    i know the area you live but not specific. anyways, my cousin & her husband just bought the greatest 4 bedroom townhouse in dana point for a reasonable price. they said there are two for sale on their street for even less than they paid! (they were trying to persuade john and me into moving there and it was tempting!!) but you guys should look there! email me if you want the street name and all that. it is the cutest street, SO close to the beach, SUPER nice, with a backyard and AMAZING porch, all stainless steel in the kitchen, ok, i need to stop or else i'm going to go buy it! :)

    xo, thinking of you!

  18. aww i totally feel you! it's so hard in so cal...hubby and i want to move out to the valley and buy a house but everything is just so expensive! i'm sure everything will work out perfectly and it looks like you already have a totally lovely little home too! good luck with your hunt!

  19. Yes, it's so hard to decide where to make the sacrifice... do you sacrifice space for a more affordable mortgage or do you sacrifice money and financial freedom for more space and a place that feels better suited for an expanding family. SO TOUGH. Especially for families with stay-at-home mommas! I agree though... the luxury of being able to stay at home with the kids is an easy sacrifice for me and I think our children (and future children) will appreciate that we made those decisions on their behalf. :)

    In 2009 we moved from Charlotte, NC where huge homes were VERY affordable to right outside the Philadelphia area where our mortgage literally doubled but the size of our house stayed the same. It's crazy how the region you live in dictates so much of the home values.
