July 21, 2011


                                                                           Source: lottaagaton.blogspot.com via TaHe on Pinterest

As of lately,
I have been walking with temptation.
Sure, we've all faced it at some point in our lives...
It dates back to the bible.
We are natural born sinners.
Temptation is inevitable. 

In today's day and age though,
we are tempted at all angles.
Media. Peers. Family. Life.
I feel like there is no escape.
Everywhere I turn,
I am being tried.
What I believe, tested.

We are naturally susceptible to this sin,
and there have been times as of late,
that I find myself WEAK.
Lacking self control.

I feel tempted to chase money.
Tempted to have that "perfect" body.
Tempted to follow idols.
Tempted to ALWAYS want more.
Tempted to have the best of EVERYTHING.
Tempted to believe the grass is greener on the other side.
Tempted to glorify power.
Tempted to let my insecurity overtake me.

Perhaps it is my season to feel tempted.
"This too shall pass"....

I'll have you know,
 I would never "act" on these impulses,
for that is what my faith is for...
But it sure weighs me down.

Do you ever struggle with temptation?

Linking up here.


  1. I think we all struggle with those feelings. I know I am guilty. In those times I am always thankful for prayer and being able to release those things.
    Hugs girly... this too shall pass.

  2. Oh girl, you are not alone! It is so easy to look around at what others have, whatever it may be, and wish I had that. We have beautiful lives, with beautiful babies, and beautiful friends... we just have to remind ourselves of that!

  3. I'm right there with you girl! Love your honesty.

  4. Struggle with temptation? Me? Oh no, never. Never ever.
    HA, yeah right. My biggest tempter is to buy into the lie that I have to look beautiful to be useful. It's practically a daily fight.
    Thank God we can pray for deliverance from the one who laughed in temptation's face. (Well, not literally, but you know what I mean.)

  5. It's truly hard not to feel tempted in this world. I really try my best and not feel the pressures of life and wanting more. I think as I get older it's easier and I'm at peace and love me just the way I'am. You are incredible and we all adore you to the moon and back.

  6. Girl, you are not alone. That's what's fun about this life - being perfectly imperfect.

    You have so many positive attributes! Forget about all the rest. :)

  7. Everyone struggles with temptations at one point or another, but avoiding them & makes us stronger!

    You're a strong & amazing girl, you don't have anything to worry about.


  8. this is truth for all of us, and it is refreshing to hear someone recognize it and help us recognize our own. thanks for sharing! love to you!

  9. like you said we are all natural born sinners...great post!!

  10. Ah I think we all struggle with this at time to time, and it is hard, thanks for this great post girly~ happy friday

  11. I love your honesty, and I think we can all relate! Having just moved back to Atlanta, I am surrounded by materialism and it will take a good deal of will power not to let it get to me! Hope you have a wonderful sunday with your fam!!
