July 7, 2011

My secret to Mommy Hood

Do you ever STOP, 
and take a look at your life?
Look at things as they are...
{the good, the bad, the ugly}
Take time to reflect?

My trip to Hawaii,
gave me a lot of time for REFLECTION.
{a little TOO much time really}

One thing I've realized since becoming a Momma,
 is that "ME" time is far and few between.
I am left with very little time to REFLECT.

Each and every day, 
I go with the motions...
by the end of the week, 
I am exhausted.

A year passes,
 and I realize I've lost sense of WHO I AM.
What I stand for.
The girl sitting here in these shoes.
EVERY last piece of energy I have left in me, 
goes into this little face...
{and I wouldn't want it any other way}
sara driscoll photography

I've learned it takes time away, 
for me to be the best mommy (and wife) I can be.
A break.
Time to rejuvenate my mommy soul.

Some mom's can get by without breaks...
Seriously, I respect you in so many ways.

But when people stop and ask
"What is your secret"?
I will tell you straight up....
Time for YOU...

This momma gives 100%.
Nothing less.
And in order for me to do that,
I need time away.
Time to think things thru.
Eat an ENTIRE meal.
Go to the bathroom in peace.
Not have to fill up a sippy cup,
do 17586 loads of laundry,
or put shoes back on 25869 times in one day.
Do absolutely NOTHING and LOVE it.

You want to know the best part?
Upon return,
I am told....
The routine, schedule and demeanor of Miss L shines through on my parenting.
And THAT makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

THAT is my "secret".
NOW, I realize we can't all have this time...
Thankfully, I have a husband that understands my needs,
and a mother in law with a heart of GOLD.
They allow these "breaks" to happen.
BLESS them!

What is your secret in the Mommy hood?
Do share!

I am linking up here!


  1. Oh my goodness.. your daughter is the most precious thing ever! I'm not a mommy yet but I do take care of an infant everyday (I am a summertime nanny).

    My secret: When I am having a bad day, the baby is fussing, a have spit up all over me, and I just want some peace I have to remember.. I'm not caring for an inconvenience... I'm raising a human being. A couple has trusted me with the love of their life and it is my job to make sure that baby is treated just the way they would. What is nice about babysitting is that I get to love on him for 10 hours a day but I get to leave him there at 5:30. Hehe. I am only 21 so no babies anytime soon. However, when the time comes I know I'll be ready!

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend :) Enjoy mommy hood! You are very blessed.


  2. That sounds like a good secret to me! So glad you have such an awesome support system to let you get away every once in a while. Woohoo for bathroom in peace!

  3. Excellent post! I couldn't agree more. The analogy is when you're on an airplane. The flight attendant instructs adults to put their OWN oxygen on BEFORE the child's. If you're not taken care of, you can't take care of anyone else.

  4. Amen girl! I couldn't agree more! I think time away definitely helps to rejuvenate a mama's soul. So we can be the best we can be. Wonderful post!!

  5. Thanks for letting us know the secret:-) We are gearing up for our 1st bundle of joy in November. Fortunately, I'm a nanny, so I am somewhat used to the zero alone time. Somewhat. The whole having a kid 24-7 will definitely be new:-) xoxo

  6. I love this Lindsay, I really do. I go out with my friends and we eat pasta and drink wine and gossip about celebrities and catch up on our lives.

    I also remember the quote, "the years are short, but the days are long" ... that Landyn and Brooke will only be our babies for so long, and we need to really appreciate this time with them. :)

  7. I am the same way. I really struggled with PPD & my doctor told me I HAD to get some time just for me. Being a mom is the most amazing thing ever, but in order to be the best mom my little girl needs I need some time to myself. I'm so thankful my husband is supportive of this and helps me out. About once a week, I try to get to a coffee shop for a good hour or 2. But during busy times, just getting up before my little one gives me the time I need.

  8. I am the same way. I really struggled with PPD & my doctor told me I HAD to get some time just for me. Being a mom is the most amazing thing ever, but in order to be the best mom my little girl needs I need some time to myself. I'm so thankful my husband is supportive of this and helps me out. About once a week, I try to get to a coffee shop for a good hour or 2. But during busy times, just getting up before my little one gives me the time I need.

  9. I'm not a mom yet, but as a teacher, I know what you mean when you say you need breaks to be 100% "on" all the time :) Stopping by from Casey's!

  10. Dude-ette I totallt agree. Time away and you time is totally important for not only you but for your spouse too and even the child. I think everyone needs a little 'alone' time to refresh etc. Its a non-stop job and you are great at it but I think it boasts well of you that you know time away helps you be a better mommy and wife!! Love ya!

  11. I'm not sure I have a secret! Maybe a lot of prayer ;) I am not good at taking time away. I do feel drained at the end of every day and I'm so thankful God gives me fresh energy each morning.

  12. I haven't had any "me" time in 18 years. I think I'm about due. ;0)

  13. perfect. oh i need some me time! :) blogging is a good "me outlet"...also just going to get Braums ice cream and eating it by myself in the car...those are times to be treasured with a little one. but i need MORE! :) LOVE your blog, following you now! yay!

  14. I think most moms feel the exact same way, I know I did/do. My "secret" is that I started selling jewelry. By selling jewelry, I needed to wear it and I needed to dress nice too. I love that I get to put myself together every day and the jewelry makes me feel pretty and sexy and not so momish. Then when I have my home shows, I get to go out of the house just myself, and hang out and socialize with a bunch of women. I make a lot of money doing this which goes in my families vacation fund, and I love getting out just myself.

  15. This is a sweet post with some good advice. I featured this post on my blog this week, stop by & grab a featured button if you'd like!

  16. Amen! My secret would be the same, time alone or sleep. Both of which I rarely get lol. I try and remind myself that this is a season in my life and try to enjoy every bit of it as I will have plenty of alone time when my children are grown.

  17. saying hello from lillypie!! :]] loving the blog!

  18. Beautiful post and I agree with you 100 percent!! Time alone...truly let's you reflect on what is important. I heart you girl!

  19. By Thursday, I am so burned out I can hardly stand it. A break really is the key!

    Thursday is coming, I hope you get a break this week!
