July 19, 2011

My "Model" Home...

                                                                               Source: theinspiredroom.net via Elizabeth on Pinterest

 I spent the day with the most lovely group of girls for our MOPS steering retreat. 
We discussed the upcoming years events, 
and managed to squeeze in A LOT of laughs,
even some tears. 

We gathered at the most gorgeous of homes,
the residence of our mentor mom.
Walking in, I felt as though I had stepped into a Pottery Barn catalog...
It was THAT gorgeous. 
Every inch of space,
 from the glass cloches atop beautiful pedestals,
to the crisp ironed linens,
to the perfectly manicured gardens in the backyard,
was a sight. 

It wasn't just the ascetics that where pleasing though.
THIS particular mentor mom,
has a LOVE for Jesus that radiates onto all she speaks too.
Her energy is contagious! 

It's homes like this,
that I strive to model.
Its homes like this that set a precedence for what I want MY home to be like.
Homes where you walk in and feel like your getting a great big hug.
Laughter is welcome. Love is guaranteed.

I am thankful for these women in my life.
This ministry that I am a part of that has me striving for greatness.

What does your "Model" home look like?

{I am feeling a tad insecure about my MESSY, UNORGANIZED house...
I've spent the past two days deep cleaning and redecorating}


  1. What a blessing to have such a fun supportive group of ladies. And yay for inspiration for home decor... gotta love that too!
    Hugs sweet friend!

  2. Gorgeous home! I want a front porch like that! I'm also on the MOPS steering team! We had our retreat at the end of June. What do you do?

  3. Loved this post. I strive for the same thing in my home and in my head I envision a perfectly clean, organized home where everything is peaceful and loving. The perfectionist in me stresses when I fall short of this ideal. I hope that my kids will remember more of the spontaneous fort-building, cookie-making, messy popsicle faces and climbing trees and less of me yelling, "help me clean up...company's coming!" ha!

  4. I think we all feel the same way at one point in time Lindsay. I remember that I used to be embarrassed of my home and not want anyone over. Then as I matured and we were able to fix up our home, I became proud. I was proud that we were able to first of all have a home and then proud of all the hard work that we were doing on it. Even though my home doesn't look like it should be in a magazine, I am so thankful to have what I have when so many others have so much less these days and are loosing their homes. You're such an inspiration to see past the aesthetics and get a spiritual deepness(so to speak) from your friends home. And I can totally relate to really cleaning, organizing and redecorating once you've seen a beautiful home. Maybe I should go clean mine now too....

  5. sounds pretty fantastic.. my model home is a mix between modern and vintage..with lots of organization and unique pieces. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  6. Oh how I'd love to have crisp linens, manicured gardens and beauty ... I guess we all could with some hired help, huh? Instead, I'll be content with my messes. Leaving the mess, allows us to give the hugs and love we all need to! (But a little deep cleaning on occasion is definitely a must.) xo

  7. oh how i am a sucker for white fences!!! my favorite

  8. So fantastic to have such amazing chicks in your life, and the house sounds incredible:)

  9. her house and your ideal home sound perfect to me! Exactly want as well, a house of love, laughter, forgiveness and fun!

  10. Beautiful home and sounds like a wonderful outlet!
