July 28, 2011


I've said it before here...
I believe that in order to "Grow" your blog, 
you need to INVEST.
Give a little, to expect a lot.

via here

I am asked all the time,
"what is my best piece of blog advice"?
Want to know?

Here's 2 ways I did it:
{I am by no means, a blog expert. THIS is what has worked for me.}

1. Invest in a blog design.
 No matter how tech savvy you are, I recommend paying a professional blog designer. I used Laura Jane Designs, and it was the best $100 I've ever spent. Not only did she make my site "pretty", she taught this computer illiterate new blogger (ME), MANY useful tips. 

2. Invest in a GOOD camera.
I recommend any DSLR camera. I have a Nikon D3000 that doesn't leave my side, but Canon's are great too. Blogging is ALL visual. The better, and CLEARER, the pictures, the more traffic you will see. This camera can pay for itself over time. Seriously!
                                                                        Source: bitznpieces.tumblr.com via San on Pinterest

Oh and of course LOTS and LOTS of TIME goes into blogging. There are many late nights and early mornings spent keeping up, but its SO worth it.
Hope that helps!! 


  1. Laura Jane is in the process of designing my blog and I'm super excited to see the result!

  2. Great tips! I've also had many, many late nights and early morning. Thank goodness for coffee!

  3. I will add this to the many other tips you have given me ;) ALL of your hard work shows, Love what you do!

  4. You share such great stuff! xoxoxo

  5. I've been wanting to get a blog design to help my blog hopefully grow. Thanks for the advice because now I'm going to make it happen! Love your posts! :)

  6. Ok, Ok, Ok .... you are sooo talkin' to me! I did have a pro blog design, but got rid of it ... it annoyed me ... and the camera ... I need to just decide.

    Tip TAKEN. :) xo

  7. you are so right! I put a lot more time into my little blog than I realize and my family often points this out to me, but I just love it so much!

  8. thanks! you are awesome! love this! just stumbled upon your blog! so cute! look forward to reading more & catching up on your posts! ;) -karly

  9. oh i love this post. i definitely agree. you gotta invest to be successful. i, too, want to invest in a nice camera. a nikon perhaps. *sigh*


  10. Linds this is great!! I totally agree with the camera tip!! Soo important..and I am more likely to stay on a blog and browse around a little longer if the pictures are high quality.

  11. awesome tips, thanks for sharing , esp for us new bloggers! :) i LOVE your blog and can tell you have invested much, including lots of LOVE which is the most impt!!!! :)

  12. I couldn't agree more with you. Sometimes I wish I had more time to invest but as long as its still fun I will keep plugging away.
    It makes me happy that your blog has grown so much!
    :) Anna

  13. I love LJ designs but they are a little pricey for me right now, ugh! Better start saving!

  14. I could not agree with you more.

  15. Such great advice Lindsay!!! I am struggling so much with work/life balance lately (etsy shop & stay-at-home mommy duties). I love reading about success stories like yours!

  16. Thank you so much for the tips!
    I will really put that into action ASAP! I'm new at blogging so every bit of advice helps :)

    Lots of love

  17. Photos are essential part of blog, good high quality photos makes readers to come back to the blogs.

  18. thx for the advice! i am wishing i could afford a better camera. but for now, my pix have to come from my iPhone. sometimes i get to borrow the work cam, so it helps.

  19. I agree with your tips!:D

    Have a happy August, Lindsay!:D

    ***** Marie ******

  20. I love your site!

    I totally agree with you. A great blog design and beautiful pictures are SO important.

    And it is *definitely* VERY time consuming. I spend way more time on work flow and general blog design than I do actually posting. To the point where I'm thinking about blogging about designing my blog!!!

    Have a nice day!
