July 13, 2011

Elmo's World

"La La La La,
La La La La,

Seriously guys... I have ELMO on the brain.
As most of you know, 
I am planning a 2nd birthday for Miss L,

About me:
I over analyze every last detail...
so much so,
 that at the last minute I am so overwhelmed,
 I end up leaving IMPORTANT things out.
It's crazy!
I'm crazy!

With that being said,
Pinterest has become my inspiration board.
A place to ORGANIZE my ideas.
Wanna see some obnoxiously PERFECT elmo parties?
                                                                   Source: images.search.yahoo.com via Lindsay on Pinterest

                                                                                     Source: etsy.com via Lindsay on Pinterest

                                                                     Source: birthdaygirlblog.com via Lindsay on Pinterest

                                                                        Source: catchmyparty.com via Lindsay on Pinterest

                                                           Source: karaspartyideas.blogspot.com via Cynthia on Pinterest           


                                                       Source: hatterandhareevents.blogspot.com via Ann McRae on Pinterest 

                                                   The important part though,
                                                    is I have having SO MUCH fun with it.


  1. Elmo's cool!

    My son can't get enough of him when he was a toddler...

    And those are really cute party items ♥

  2. I'm loving this theme. Bright and cheery and totally perfect!!

  3. Sooo cool. What a cute theme! I love the easy Elmo and Dorothy plates... so cute!!

  4. So many cute inspiration pics! I know you'll do it up so great! It will be here soon! =)

  5. Max loves Elmo too! This is going to be the cutest little party! I can not WAIT to see pictures of how it turns out!

  6. How fun! Sweet L is going to LOVE it...no matter what you do, or don't forget :)

  7. I'm sure you are going to make it PERFECT! You are super talented and will make everything beautiful, I'm sure!

    Those pictures are AWESOME! That first cake is amazing! I can't look at that sort of stuff when birthday party planning because then I feel like I'm always falling short of how fantastic everyone else is! :)

    Good luck!

  8. Her party is going to be so cute! And you will make it perfect, I'm sure!

  9. first love elmos world as opposed to the creepy wiggles!

    also love all of these pictures how cute is your party gonna be!?

    i cant wait to see it... your going to do great! your such a good momma!

  10. My BFF just had an Elmo b-day party for her 2 year old. It was awesome! I love those ideas - and what did we do before Pinterest?!

    And just how cute are those plates in the bottom pic?! OMG

  11. That song will be in my head now. HA! I've seen the cutest Elmo cupcakes!

  12. Elmo is WAY cool and even more so with those decorations!

  13. oh wow, love these parties! i know yours will turn out better though :)

  14. Have fun with her party! Live it up she only turns two once! Can't wait to see the party!

  15. All your inspirations are so cute but I love the last one - the Dorothy & Elmo plates - how simple and cute are they?

  16. What a fun theme!!!! We love Elmo around here too!! Can't wait to see all the final party pics!
